Sunday, January 29, 2017

Personal Responsibility

Well, it's been a bit of a rocky week.  I find that many of my 9th graders are still coasting, allowing others to do things for them and relying on a lot of hands to hold to get things done.  If there's been one theme for the week for me, it's been Personal Responsibility.  I've harped on them to check HAC; we've talked about how they should check it at least once a week and be pro-active with tackling issues and talking to their teachers right away.  I've re-iterated that it's not their parents or their teachers who are responsible for their education, it's them (though with 9th grade, we all know that it also takes a lot of pushing from behind to get them to that point). I've also asked them to set goals with specific steps to accomplishing them; things don't just happen: you don't suddenly know how to turn in all your work or remember to go to the bathroom on your break.  You have to have specific strategies, and you need to alter them as you discover whether they work or not.  We're working on being forward thinking and bringing all of our stuff to class - no more running out of the room for lockers, drinks, bathrooms.  If there's an emergency, we'll deal with it, but it's gotten out of hand.

So please be aware that I'm trying to push them over the hurdle that will make them better students as they enter 10th grade.  I always think about how I handle things with my young teens at home and go from there.

On another note, we're a little behind again.  This week we have managed - for the most part - to finish reading Act I of The Crucible, but that's about it.  I didn't make it to the quiz or 10% summary, or even the Khan Academy PSAT prep work, so there are not a lot of grades in the book for this week. To fit everything in, that means that we're moving those things to next week:
  • Monday, 1/30 - we'll finish Verb Packet #2 and turn it in; we'll take a quiz for Act I using notes and books.
  • Tuesday, 1/31 - we'll start Verb Packet #3; 10% Summary for The Crucible non-fiction information.
  • Wednesday, 2/1 - 1/2 Day for Students - Khan Academy PSAT practice
  • Thursday, 2/2 - Career Advisory - we'll start Act II and read pp. 47-59; whatever is not finished goes home for homework.
  • Friday, 2/3 - we'll read Act II pp. 60-76; whatever is not finished will go home for homework.
That's the plan.  As always, I'll keep the electronic calendar on my webpage up to date as things change.  I hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend. Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Personal Responsibility by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, January 22, 2017

And We're Off!

Good morning, and to all of you new to my class, welcome!  I do this just about every week.  It's my way of connecting with anyone who would like a more thorough understanding of what we're doing in 9th grade English.  It's not required reading (ha!), but I know as a parent that it can be helpful to have some insight into what my kids are doing in the classroom so that I can be more supportive at home.  Now that second semester has started, it's time for a new post so that anyone who wants to know what we're doing - parents, students, guardians - can get the information they need.

Last week we started The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and we started the semester in true chaotic form.  The snow day (fog/ice day) on Tuesday delayed the start of our text, and then Wednesday began with a meeting for me during 1st Hour, so I didn't even really get to meet them to start things off well.  After that, however, we got back to business.  They read one of Arthur Miller's expositions in the text and did an assignment on Google Classroom, answering questions about what was in the play.  Then we began reading.  Every hour is at a different place in the text (and second hour hasn't actually started the play yet), so I'll keep the online calendar up to date.  No homework was assigned unless they did not get the Google Classroom assignment done.

This coming week we'll continue forward and try to finish Act One.  We'll also begin to prepare for the PSAT 9 test that comes up in April by getting started with Khan Academy.  They can access this system online at home if you ever want to see what it's about.  We're also going back to the Verb Unit so that we can address some grammar issues.  So here's the schedule:
  • Monday, 1/23 - Verb Packet #2 - we'll do the first page; then we'll continue reading Act One and taking notes, and we'll do a Type 1.
  • Tuesday, 1/24 - we'll do another page in Verb Packet #2; we'll do another Type 1; then we'll continue reading Act One.
  • Wednesday, 1/25 - Academic Advisory - the first priority will be to finish Act One; if there's time we'll take a Type 2 quiz.
  • Thursday, 1/26 - Career Advisory - if needed, we'll finish the Type 2 quiz; then we'll work on a 10% Summary - whatever is not finished becomes homework.
  • Friday, 1/27 - we'll do another page in Verb Packet #2; then we'll go on and start the prep work for the PSAT/SAT.
As always, plans change and I usually can't go as fast as I'd like, so I'll keep the online calendar up to date.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend and has a great week.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
And We're Off! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Welcome Back!

I know we started back last Tuesday, but somehow it didn't quite feel like we were fully back.  At this point, everyone is back, so now it feels real.  And of course, all the busy schedules kicked up again, so this is going to be fairly short and sweet.

Last week we finished Module 2, Unit 1.  For their assessment they completed an analytical chart on a Central Idea between two different pieces (Poe's "Cask of Amontillado" and Dickinson's "I felt a Funeral in my Brain") and looked at how the two developed the same idea; then they wrote a paragraph explaining it in sentence form.  After that, they began an online project intended to introduce them to topics that are helpful to know as we jump into Module 2, Unit 2.  This unit will be for Arthur Miller's The Crucible.  Because the text is not just about the travesty that occurred in 1690's Massachusetts, they're getting an overview of five topics: McCarthyism, Arthur Miller, the Cold War, Puritan Culture and History, and the Salem Witch Trials.  Please note: there is no witchcraft in this play.  Instead of me lecturing to them, they are on Google Classroom.  Last week they took notes on all five topics, keeping track of the source information.  This coming week, they'll pick one topic and delve a bit deeper, then create a small project to present to the class on Friday.  They will not need to stand up and present; they'll have their project sitting on their desk and we'll walk around and share what each student learned.  So here's the plan:
  • Monday, 1/9 - they have the hour to pick their topic and then use Google Classroom to more thoroughly investigate the topic online through websites, encylopedia articles, and video; they will also create Works Cited entries with their sources.  We will also be going to the library to check out The Crucible texts.
  • Tuesday, 1/10 - they will use their notes to create a project.  They have three options: a brochure, a timeline, or a Google Slide presentation.  Obviously the Google Slide presentation will be online; the brochures and timelines can either be created online and printed, or done old-school with craft materials.  The project is due Friday.
  • Wednesday, 1/11 - academic advisory - we will start Verb Packet #2; then we'll jump into The Crucible.
  • Thursday, 1/12 - career advisory - we will do a page of verbs, then we'll continue The Crucible.
  • Friday, 1/13 - 1/2 Day - we'll share our projects and take notes on the information we learn.  End of Semester 1!
That's the plan.  I'll keep the calendar updated day to day for anyone who needs it.  I'm so glad to be back and moving forward!

 Creative Commons License
Laura Stubbs by Welcome Back! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at