In English 9, we worked all week on reading Flowers for Algernon. They are almost through the book and my goal is to test them on Wednesday. If we can't quite make that, however, we'll have to do Thursday. I can do projects and papers and movie when we get back, but I didn't want them to go off to break and forget all of the details of the novel. I'm trying to give them a true break and not have homework for them over that week.
In English 11, we finished our research papers using Google Drive. I gave them 3 1/2 days in the computer labs to type since I was requiring them to use this system. We drafted and peer edited online and then printed the final copies. After that, they created a Thinglink as part of the preview into Frankenstein and then posted it to the class page on Edmodo. I thought it was pretty cool...I'm not so sure about them. This week we will start reading Frankenstein and so there will be a little reading to do over break, but I'll try to keep it minimal. At the same time, if you have a student who likes to read and just wants to do it, I never discourage it...they're welcome to plow right on through the text.
In the meantime, two major things are going on in the building: the bookfair is this week, and so is Character Week. My classes will visit the book fair on Wednesday and Thursday, so if they want to buy something, that's when they need money. Character Week is something we do all week in all classes, and the students are encouraged to wear specific colors that become symbolic. For Monday, we're wearing purple.
Today, Sunday, I hope to get some grading and lesson planning done. It's been a busy weekend. My children participate in 4-H with llamas, and their leader found them a youth fair to participate in on Saturday. We spent all day at MSU in the South Barn at the Pavillion while they competed with other kids from around the state. Here are some pictures:
The boys groomed the llamas in the pen...
...and then they participated in Showmanship, Obstacles, and Pack Classes. This is Ryan taking Spike through the obstacles. Spike's pretty easy and is trained quite well.
This is Christopher trying to get Mode to go through the same obstacle. Mode is stubborn and hasn't competed lately. The score for all three competitions was Mode 3, Christopher 0. Mode won according to his own rules...the judges were not so impressed.
Have a great week! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.