Sunday, May 31, 2015

One Full Week Left to Go...

It's hard to believe, but there's only one more full week of school!  Where does the time go!??!  I've almost finished with the planning and grading for this year, and I've already begun planning for the 2015/2016 school year.  It's just a never-ending cycle.

We've accomplished some exciting things, this year.  Just last week, English 9 acted out scenes from The Odyssey!  I'm still working on putting the video together, but hope to get it posted here, soon.  When I do, I'll let everyone know.  Also last week, English 11 finished reading Night.  It's been difficult with all of the coming and going (because of field trips, special events, and general absences), but everyone seems very interested in the book and we've got it done.

So here's what's coming up this week:
  • English 9 - no vocabulary (we're done for the year), but they'll be finishing the reading of Part I of The Odyssey.  We follow this with the movie so that they can see the story as a whole.  That will take us to the end of the week.  On Monday, June 8th, they'll have a cumulutive semester exam that will include The Odyssey.  I will be putting together a study guide and will spend part of Friday reviewing and organizing for it.
  • English 11 - their open-note, open-study guide test over Night is on Monday.  After the test we'll be doing a project, and then follow that up with the movie The Book Theif.  Both the project and the movie are centered around core themes that we focus upon throughout the year.  On Monday, June 8th, they'll have a written, reflective exam.  They are over-tested, so rather than beat them over the heads with another test, we'll have them write and reflect on what they've learned this year.
This is probably my last post for the year.  The last week of school is just a day and a half.  Official release is Tuesday, June 9th at 10:30 A.M. (unless we're all notified differently).  I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer, and I'm sure I'll see some of you around and about next year.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
One Full Week Left to Go... by Laura stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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