Sunday, January 17, 2016

Beginning Semester Two

Bongiorno!  I'm running late today, but it's only because the end of the semester brings lots of work to me...both personally and professionally.  My house is finally back in order with Christmas put away and Valentine's Day out.  Laundry is underway, the requested lasagna is in the oven, soccer games have been played, gymnastics witnessed, an overnight sleepover at a friend's house was successful and complete, practicing for Solo & Ensemble is underway, and so is the homework.  In the meantime, I've been grading exams and essays, so I'd say it's been a busy weekend.

As we round the corner to Semester Two, here's a layout of the units to come in English 9:

  • We start with a research unit.  This will take many weeks.  It begins with a model non-fiction text by Temple Grandin, a remarkable woman with a PhD, who just happens to be autistic.  It continues with a second model text as they begin the process of choosing their own topics, formulating questions, and go through the research process.  The final unit is writing the final paper.
  • After the research unit we will tackle The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
  • We'll finish the year with Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.
I don't have a play-by-play of the week yet.  I will be working on it further tomorrow, and then I'll put things on the online calendar.  In the meantime, I hope everyone has a nice Sunday.  If you have the day off tomorrow, I hope it's relaxing yet embraces the integrity of the day, focusing on the life and dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr.  I will not be off tomorrow, but my child who is in school will be focusing on the ideals of MLK and doing some service, as will my older child and husband who are off.

Have a great week!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Beginning Semester Two by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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