Sunday, April 30, 2017

Welcome, May!

We've made it to May, and what a glorious spring it has been.  It's a little disconcerting because the beautiful flowers and blossoms are at least two weeks early, but I love it all the same.

At the same time, it makes us (meaning students and teachers) anxious for the end of the school year.  Keeping my students on track is becoming quite the challenge.  I get it, because I feel it, too.

Last week we did manage to finish Module 3 in our curriculum and turned in the research papers.  These take me quite a while to grade, so I hope everyone has patience for how fast I can get them in the grade book.  Then we turned our attention to Module 4, an argumentative writing unit.  We read the first of four packets in the anchor text Sugar Changed the World, and we did a study guide and filled in a chart with framework for argumentative writing.  I started down the path with vocabulary, but it became more of a distraction than helpful, so I've changed that from required to extra credit if they want it.  We finished the week with a quiz that most had to take home to finish.  They're turning it in on Monday along with the study guide.

So here's the plan for this week:
  • Monday, 5/1 - Verbs; turn in the quiz and study guide for pp. 6-29 in Sugar; read pp. 35-41 in the second packet, annotate it for supporting details for the thesis, and do study guide question #1.
  • Tuesday, 5/2 - I'm giving them a post-test that will take 24 minutes, a follow-up to a pre-test they took in September so that I can monitor student growth; then we'll add argument 4 to the argumentative writing framework chart; we'll finish by analyzing some pictures on the overhead and do study guide question #2.
  • Wednesday, 5/3 - Academic Advisory - Finish reading and annotating packet two, pp. 57-70; finish the study guide.
  • Thursday, 5/4 - Academic Advisory - Verbs; discussion of pp. 57-70, turn in the study guide; add to the argumentative writing framework chart through the counter-argument; start packet three (pp. 77-91).
  • Friday, 5/5 - Verbs; finish reading packet #3 and study guide - turn in; fill in the argumentative writing framework chart with rebuttal information.
That's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great first week of May.  Ciao!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great break away from the normal routine.  I know it was good for me.  I'm feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the end of the school year!  So here's what we do next:
  • Monday, 4/24 - we'll hand back some old paperwork; we'll finish the rest of the time editing and revising the research paper.  There will be guidance for all of this.
  • Tuesday, 4/25 - we'll load up the printer on the Chromebooks and print the papers, turning them in.  If they turn it in on Wednesday, it will be worth 85% maximum; Thursday will be 75%; Friday will be 65%; because it's such a big grade and a big deal, if they turn it in after that I'll take it for 50%.  After this we'll start the next module in EngageNY, a non-fiction module based around non-fiction, argumentative writing.  Our anchor text is Sugar Changed the World.  I'll pass out Vocab. Packets, Study Guides, a guide for Structure, and the reading packet.  We'll read pp. 6-8 in the reading packet.
  • Wednesday, 4/26 - NO ADVISORY - Verb Packet #6; we'll finish working through p. 29 in the reading packet.  Worksheets will be due on Thursday; Quiz on Thursday.
  •  Thursday, 4/27 - NO ADVISORY - Verb Packet #6; we'll take a quiz and turn in work for the first reading packet (pp. 6-29); I'll hand out the second reading packet and study guide; we'll read pp. 35-41 and do the accompanying work. Fifth Hour will be going to an assembly at 12:30.
  • Friday, 4/28 - Verb Packet #6; we'll finish the second reading packet and all accompanying work.
That's the plan for the week. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and WELCOME BACK!  Ciao!
 Creative Commons License
Welcome Back! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Final Notes for Testing, Paperwork, and Spring Break

Here we are, the short week before spring break, and boy will we need it.  As far as English academics, we're working on getting a completed rough draft done and shared with me at my school domain account before we go to spring break.  In addition to this, we're doing the state tests.  We can accomplish it all, however; I'm confident in our abilities.

First - the paper.  I've been doing check-in's right along to try to ensure that they are all doing the process it takes to write a research paper.  If your student has blanks, zeroes, or lower grades in that category, it means that they're probably not taking care of business (though my 2nd and 4th Hours did not get all of their outlines checked in - we ran out of time).  Last Friday and this coming Monday are set aside for drafting time in class, though they were warned that this will take some time outside of class to get it complete.  It's only a 2-3 page paper, but they struggle with the typing.  I asked them to submit it to me by midnight Monday night so that I can get them feedback before we come back to class on Thursday, but if they're having trouble meeting that deadline I need them to talk to me.  I'm trying to get maximum number in so that I have enough time to get them back, but I'm flexible.

Next - the testing.  You should have all received the email from Mr. Lukosavich regarding the testing schedule.  It's up to you to decide what to do on Tuesday, but for those who are struggling with getting this paper done (for a variety of reasons), they are welcome to come to school by bus, we will have a place where they can work all day, they can eat, and then they can ride the bus home.  They will probably also have some time after they are done testing on Wednesday if they're waiting to ride home on the bus.  What I really want to have happen is to get the rough draft out of the way so that they don't have to deal with it over break.  I would prefer that they not even look at it so that they can come back with fresh eyes after break.

Finally - quizzes from Animals in Translation.  If your student struggled with the quizzes, after break they can come for a Tuesdays with Teachers or Academic Advisory to try to bring those grades up.  The first quiz (pp. 1-8) was mostly multiple choice, so they can come try it again for 1/2 credit back.  The second quiz (pp. 9-16) was all written, and the topic was tough: author development of a topic.  If they want to come in and try it again with my hints and suggestions on their original paper, I'll let them re-do it for full credit.  Most either didn't answer the question at all, or if they did, they then drifted off topic.  So we'll try it again.

So here's the short version of what this week looks like:
  • Monday, 4/10 - drafting on Google Docs of the 2-3 page research paper; due shared with me at by midnight.  See me if not able to meet that deadline.
  • Tuesday, 4/11 - 11th grade SAT; 10th grade PSAT; see Mr. Lukosavich's email for more information.
  • Wednesday, 4/12 - 9th grade PSAT
  • Thursday, 4/13 - peer-edits for the research paper, shared through Google Docs/Drive
  • Friday, 4/14 - no school - spring break starts; school resumes Monday, 4/24.
I hope everyone has a good week, and then a good break. Ciao!

 Creative Commons License
Final Notes for Testing, Paperwork, and Spring Break by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Two Weeks to Go

We have two weeks to go, and then we get a break.  We're all worn out and tired, but it's just a little bit more and we'll be able to relax for a week.  We can do it!

Last week we finished the reading of Chapter 1 of Animals in Translation. We're using that text as our model for how to do research, and also for how to write about it.  After we finished the chapter we jumped into our own research.  By now they should all have a topic, even those who were absent and a little behind.  We have also already spent a couple of days formulating questions and taking notes, keeping track of source information.  Here's where we go from here:
  • Monday, 4/3 - all hour will be donated to taking notes.  On Tuesday I'll check in that everyone has at least 30 facts about their topic.
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - first I'll check in their notes, then we'll create the Works Cited in a hand written draft.  They'll turn this in for me to go over.
  • Wednesday, 4/5 - Half Day - we originally were scheduled to bubble forms for the PSAT9, but now I think they have a different plan, so I'll have them work on their thesis statement and outlines - both are due Thursday.
  • Thursday, 4/6 - no advisory - we'll spend the hour working on how to write the rough draft using parenthetical citations.  Then they'll have time to draft.
  • Friday, 4/7 - they'll have the hour to type the rough draft.  The rough draft will need to be shared with me through Google Drive by midnight on 4/10.
Two items of note - if you want to see what they're working on, they have a giant packet.  Please ask them to show it to you. Also, when we begin typing the rough draft we'll be using Google Drive, so if you have a Gmail account, you can have them share it with you, also, and give them feedback.

The final paper, printed out, will be due after spring break, on Tuesday, 4/25.  The hardest part of this is the drafting, so I'm hoping to have that complete by spring break so that they can walk away from it for a week and come back to edit and revise it with fresh eyes when we get back.  It will help them make a better final product.

I hope everyone has a great week.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Two Weeks to Go by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at