Sunday, October 29, 2017

Final Week of Term 1

Here we are, at the end of Term 1: let the panic commence!  This is when everyone realizes that everything has to be taken care of, and they all show up at my door.  As long as they don't wait until after this week, I'll deal with it!

I've been grading papers all weekend (speaking of panic) and so this is going to be short and sweet.  Last week English 9 finished the pre-reading activities for Romeo and Juliet, and we're ready to move into the text.  English 10 finished the first part of "The Palace Thief" and finished an analytical paragraph (typed!), and now we're ready to move through the next third of the text.  Here's the schedule for the week, to the best of my ability:

English 9
  • Monday, 10/30 - we'll hand back papers; go over reading log #8; we'll begin reading Act I, scene i and work on the study guide, notes, and vocabulary packet.
  • Tuesday, 10/31 - academic advisory - prepositions; continue reading Act I, hopefully getting into scene ii
  • Wednesday, 11/1 - NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, 11/2 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #8; prepositions; continue Act I
  • Friday, 11/3 - get reading log #9; silent reading/library day
English 10
  • Monday, 10/30 - we'll hand back papers; go over reading log #8; we'll read and annotate pp. 175-82 and work on the study guide.
  • Tuesday, 10/31 - academic advisory - TURN IN ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH #1 (PRINTED); nouns; discuss pp. 175-82; read and annotate pp. 182-91 for Thursday and work on the study guide.
  • Wednesday, 11/1 - NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, 11/2 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #8; nouns; discuss pp. 182-91; read and annotate pp. 191-95 for Monday and work on study guide.
  • Friday, 11/3 - get reading log #9; silent reading/library day
There's the plan.   As things change I'll update the online calendar.  Have a great week. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Final Week of Term 1 by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Two Weeks to the End of Term 1

It's that point in the year when reminders about how the high school pulls grades together are probably needed. We're coming to the end of Term 1, so it's important for students to finish strong.  However, this is not the grade that lands on the transcript; it's also not the grade that creates credit: the semester grade will be the important one, the grade that is finalized in January.  To form the semester grade, we'll average the Term 1 grade with the Term 2 grade, and that will be what determines their GPA, will go on the transcripts, and determines whether or not they earned the required credit.  They have to average 60% for the semester or they will have to re-take it to earn back the .5 credit.  So Term 1 is important, but it's really only a halfway point.

In both English 9 and 10 we're in the final unit of module 1.  Both curriculums have four modules, so we're right about on pace.  In English 9 last week, we began by comparing "St. Lucy's" to a small text called "Letters to a Young Poet," then we moved into preview information for Romeo and Juliet.  In English 10 we began "The Palace Thief" - a short story - and we're about a third of the way through it.

This week I'm out for a doctor's appointment on Monday, so English 9 will have a silent reading day on Monday, and English 10 will have a work day for "The Palace Thief."  Here's the rest of the agenda:

English 9

  • Monday, 10/23 - Silent Reading
  • Tuesday, 10/24 - Academic Advisory - prepositions; more preview information and activities for Romeo and Juliet
  • Wednesday, 10/25 - Prepositions; they'll receive a study guide for Act I and we'll do the Prologue with a worksheet, we'll also begin taking notes
  • Thursday, 10/26 - Character Advisory - prepositions; TURN IN READING LOG #7; we'll continue reading Act I, doing a study guide and notes as we go
  • Friday, 10/27 - get reading log #8; silent reading
English 10
  • Monday, 10/23 - Finish reading through p. 175; do the study guide, notes, vocabulary packet
  • Tuesday, 10/24 - Academic Advisory - noun packet #2; turn in study guide, vocabulary packet, notes for pp. 155-175; Type 2 quiz - multiple choice and short answer; analytical writing - due by Friday
  • Wednesday, 10/25 - Nouns; read pp. 175-182 - do study guide and notes
  • Thursday, 10/26 - Character Advisory - nouns; TURN IN READING LOG #7; read pp. 182-191 - do study guide and notes
  • Friday, 10/27 - TURN IN ANALYTICAL WRITING FOR PP. 155-175; get reading log #8; silent reading
That's the plan as I see it right now.  I hope everyone is enjoying this glorious weather. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Two Weeks to the End of Term 1 by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Moving Forward

Another week down, and another week closer to the end of Term 1.  We're cruising now; it's so nice to be in a stretch of "normal" weeks (what's truly "normal"?) that give us maximum time in the classroom to get things done.  Last week English 9 finally finished "St. Lucy's" by turning in their final assessment essay on Friday; English 10 finished the Friday Night Lights unit and we're ready for unit 3: "The Palace Thief."

This is going to be short and sweet so that I can get back to grading essays, so here's the plan for this week:

English 9
  • Monday, 10/16 - prepositions; read Letter 1 of  "Letters to a Young Poet" and do a Venn Diagram to compare a central idea to "St. Lucy's"
  • Tuesday, 10/17 - Academic Advisory - prepositions; Type 1 KWL for Shakespeare; online Scavenger Hunt (Google Classroom) for Shakespeare
  • Wednesday, 10/18 - prepositions; we'll finish the online Scavenger Hunt and submit
  • Thursday, 10/19 - PSAT Advisory - prepositions; TURN IN READING LOG #6; do a pre-reading activity for Romeo and Juliet
  • Friday, 10/20 - get Reading Log #7; silent reading
English 10
  • Monday, 10/17 - noun packet #1; pre-reading for "Palace Thief" on Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 10/18 - Academic Advisory - nouns; "Palace Thief" - reading, study guide, vocab. cards
  • Wednesday, 10/19 - nouns; continue first part of "Palace Thief" - reading, study guide, vocab. cards
  • Thursday, 10/20 - PSAT Advisory - nouns; TURN IN READING LOG #6; finish first part of "Palace Thief" and turn in study guide and vocab. cards; Type 2 Quiz
  • Friday, 10/21 - get Reading Log #7; silent reading
That's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great week. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Moving Forward by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Beautiful October

Even though it's still hot and humid, the leaves are beginning to turn, and the cool days of October cannot be far behind!  I love this time of year.  My son and I went apple picking last weekend and I'm hoping to get a little bit of time this weekend to make applesauce.  The flavors, the colors - autumn is just glorious!

In the classroom, we keep moving forward.  Right now it feels like crawling, but we're getting there.  In English 9 last week we finished "St. Lucy's" and we're starting the final assessment.  It's an analytical essay so we'll outline the piece and then write it.  My goal is that the majority of this is done in class, saving independent reading for homework.  In English 10 we read a chapter from Friday Night Lights.  Well, actually, we will finish the reading on Monday.  They have had some time to do a couple of assignments in Google Classroom that are due on Monday, and we'll take the objective test on Google Forms before moving into a short story: "The Palace Thief."

So here's the schedule this week:

English 9
  • Monday, 10/9 - we'll do a page in the preposition packet; we'll outline the essay
  • Tuesday, 10/10 - Academic Advisory - we'll do a page of prepositions; we'll finish outlining the essay; we'll begin writing the Type 3 Analytical Essay Assessment
  • Wednesday, 10/11 - a page of prepositions; we'll continue writing the essay
  • Thursday, 10/12 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #5; a page of prepositions; we'll complete and TURN IN TYPE 3 ANALYTICAL ESSAY ASSESSMENT
  • Friday, 10/13 - they'll get reading log #6; silent reading day
English 10
  • Monday, 10/9 - we'll do a section in the grammar review packet; we'll read pp. 84-88 in FNL and do the Actions/Reactions Tool; finish and submit the Vocabulary Cards and Type 1 on Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 10/10 - Academic Advisory - we'll do a section of grammar review; we'll finish the FNL reading packet; test on Google Forms - online
  • Wednesday, 10/11 - a section of the grammar review; to introduce the next unit - a short story called "The Palace Thief" - we'll get the script and work on reader's theater
  • Thursday, 10/12 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #5; a section of the grammar review; we'll perform the reader's theater
  • Friday, 10/13 - they'll get reading log #6; silent reading day
That's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys some time outdoors.  Ciao!

 Creative Commons License
Beautiful October by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at