Saturday, March 3, 2018

Important Assignments Ahead

Good morning!  I'm running early this weekend, I think because my anxiety is running high for both of my groups.  In English 9 we've finished reading The Crucible, so we're working on the final assessment which is a multi-paragraph analytical essay; right now we're working on the outline.  In English 10 we're finishing the research paper rough draft (due Monday by midnight) and heading toward the presentation portion of this project.  My nerves are definitely jangling away, so I can only imagine how their's are.

Here's our schedule for the week:

English 9

  • Monday, 3/5 - we'll finish the outline for the paper and begin to type - it's due Thursday!
  • Tuesday, 3/6 - Academic Advisory - we'll continue to type the paper on Google Classroom
  • Wednesday, 3/7 - 1/2 Day and Parent/Teacher Conferences from 2:30-5:30 - we'll continue to type the paper on Google Classroom
  • Thursday, 3/8 - PSAT Advisory - we'll type and turn in the final paper and if time start the movie
  • Friday, 3/9 - they'll get reading log #17 and we'll watch the movie for The Crucible
English 10
  • Monday, 3/5 - the rough draft is due submitted through Google Classroom by midnight
  • Tuesday, 3/6 - Academic Advisory - we'll work on the boards for the presentation
  • Wednesday, 3/7 - 1/2 Day and Parent/Teacher Conferences from 2:30-5:30 - we'll continue work on the boards
  • Thursday, 3/8 - PSAT Advisory - finish the boards and work on the index card for the speech
  • Friday, 3/9 - they'll get reading log #17 and either work on their speech or silently read
For both groups it's very important that they're in class so that they hear all of the information and have time to ask questions unless they absolutely have to be out.  I can't emphasize this enough.

Parent/Teacher Conferences: these are held from 2:30-5:30 in the gym and cafeteria at the high school on Wednesday, 3/7.  I've sent out emails and made phone calls inviting those who are struggling with anything below a 70%, but all are welcome.  Please come visit!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Ciao! 
Creative Commons License
Important Assignments Ahead by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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