Sunday, February 9, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day and a shortened week? I'll take it.We're coming up on a 4-day weekend, so that means this week will breeze by. Last week was chaotic but exciting with spirit week, games and competitions, a really great pep assembly (I don't know the last time I said that!) and a dance. I chaperoned the dance and it was a lot of fun to see so many of my students all dressed up in neon and glowing as they danced themselves silly. Despite all the fun, we actually got a few things done. English 9 is almost done reading Act One of The Crucible; English 10 is almost done taking notes for their Wax Museum project. Here are a few pictures of your kids working over the past two weeks:

This coming week may be short, but it's packed with stuff. English 9 will finish Act One, do some activities, and take a quiz; English 10 will check in their notes, write a 2-paragraph piece, pick the final elements for their project, form a thesis, and work on outlining their paper.  Here's the official schedule:

English 9

  • Monday, 2/10 - bell work; finish reading Act I; do the vocab. cards
  • Tuesday, 2/11 - Academic Advisory - bell work; finish Act I activities; quiz
  • Wednesday, 2/12 - bell work; start Act II
  • Thursday, 2/13 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; Valentine Character Activity
  • Friday, 2/14 - NO SCHOOL!
English 10
  • Monday, 2/10 - bell work; check in notes; get Whitman/Plath packet and read/annotate Whitman
  • Tuesday, 2/11 - Academic Advisory - bell work; read/annotate Plath; outline 2-paragraph piece - due Thursday on
  • Wednesday, 2/12 - bell work; pick 2 poems for Wax Museum; copy to Google Docs with Citation and annotate
  • Thursday, 2/13 - bell work; 2-paragraph assignment due by midnight; create thesis statement; begin outline - due Tuesday, 2/18
I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful Valentine's Day! Ciao! 

Creative Commons License
Happy Valentine's Day! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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