Sunday, December 14, 2014

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Kwanza (Basically, Well-wishes to You and Yours!)

Yay!  We're finally to one of my favorite times of the year!  It's so joyous to spend time stepping back from ordinary life and celebrating life, family, and the good aspects of being a part of a society such as ours.  I love the lights, I love the music, I love the love and laughter, it's just a wonderful life (one of my favorite movies, by the way).

As we close out 2014, it's time to reflect on where we've been.  For both classes, we've been visiting Shakespeare and his plays, and it's time to be finished and say "God gi' gooden".  English 9 is still reading Romeo and Juliet, but we're towards the end.  I'm moving their test to Thursday, so we will spend the early part of the week finishing the text, and then prepare to test on that day.  We'll deal with projects/papers when we get back in January.  English 11 is pretty much done with the play, so their test is still Wednesday.  They will be working on their motif projects and review on Monday and Tuesday, test on Wednesday, and then we'll be writing poetry to present our motifs on Thursday and Friday.

They worked hard last week, and here are a few pictures from 2nd and 3rd hours working on their projects:

2nd Hour Worked in the library.  When it's just us in there, such as this day, it's a wonderful place to work!

3rd Hour worked in a lab.  In this lab they can choose to work on a tall island; many of them like this.
As we head to Friday and the beginning of two weeks off, I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.  I hope everyone gets a chance to relax.  My gift to my students is that we will not have vocabulary this week, and I'm giving them a homework-free vacation!  Enjoy, everyone!

My favorite moment in the Charlie Brown Christmas special!
Creative Commons License
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Kwanza (Basically, Well-wishes to You and Yours!) by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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