Sunday, December 8, 2013

Two Weeks To Go...Too much, or Too Little?

What a busy week we had last week, and what a busy weekend!  I'm exhausted!  Yesterday involved a family party in Lansing, a Shakespearean play in Ann Arbor, and those of you familiar with my alma mater know why I did not get much sleep this last Saturday night (hint, hint:  the colors are green and white).  So needless to say, I'm running on empty, but since life goes on, there's no choice but to get things done!

Let's start with English 9.  Last week we finished a creative project and a couple of writings.  We're currently heading into the most emotionally charged portion of To Kill a Mockingbird so we've been dealing with the tough issue of race.  They read an article about a case from 1944 of a teenager tried and executed for a murder he most likely did not commit being reopened today, and then wrote a 10% summary about it.  We're also discussing tough topics like lynchings.  I'm trying to get a point across about intolerance and the cost to society and human life, so our discussions tend to be charged with tension.  I hope that they are learning that fiction can teach us as much about life and society as non-fiction.  This week we'll be reading about the trial and writing a persuasive essay about it.  Then we'll finish the book!

In English 11, we're currently looking at Act III of Macbeth.  I'm trying to get them to play with it; I don't want them to take Shakespeare so seriously, otherwise all they learn is that it's boring.  I want them to find his humor, and his energy, so we're not only reading and watching the play, we're running around the building doing activities.  This last Friday we tried a "Walk and Talk" where they partnered up and read passages to each other, and then proceeded to answer some questions.  The feedback I got overall was very positive.  Here are some pictures from our day:
 1st Hour Working Their Way Through the Halls
 3rd Hour - lots of talk, then lots of leaning on lockers to work.
5th Hour - Walk and Talk, and then Giving Input

This coming week we'll mostly be working on finishing the play.  I want to test them early to mid-week next week so that we're not doing it right before they go to break.

I'm a little torn:  part of me wants to just relax and celebrate the upcoming holidays, and part of me is having a crisis over not having enough time to get things done.  In the end, it all comes together; I have faith in that.

Have a wonderful week!

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