Sunday, February 8, 2015

Can We Do a 5-Day Week?

Well, all my plans got tossed up in the air last week due to snow, and then my busy life got in the way of the rest of my time, and I swear, I think I may have lost my mind at one point. 

Last week in school, here is what we did not get to:  vocab. and vocab. quizzes; 10% summaries; an argumentative essay; we're behind on research and projects.  The one thing I feel like I did well?  English 11 is cranking out the reading of Lord of the Flies, and I think we're actually on pace!

Proud mom moment: both of my children participated in their school's amazing production of Aladdin, Jr., and my eldest performed three numbers at the regional Solo & Ensemble where he received two 1's and one 2.  While the end result was fabulous, the week leading up to it was insane.  During the snow days, I did things like create turbans and drive up to the school to help set up lights and sound.  Then when things got back to "normal" I drove all over God's creation from lessons to rehearsals to meetings.  I don't think I got home before 9:00 PM any night last week.  Here's a couple of pictures from this weekend:

This week I hope to get pictures of my students to put into this blog!

So what is on deck for this week?
  • English 9 - they are going to do the project to prepare for To Kill a Mockingbird.  The first part of the week will be used for research, then I'll show them how to use Google Drive to create a collaborative presentation to present the research.  They will also have a vocab. quiz on Friday.
  • English 11 - by Monday they should have read through chapter 6 of Lord of the Flies, so they will have quizzes and activities.  Then they will move forward in the book through chapter 9.  In addition, they will be looking at a couple of non-fiction articles and writing an ACT-style argumentative essay.  Vocab. will also happen this week.
It's a busy week, and a busy time of year, but isn't it always?  I hope everyone has a great week; stay safe on the roads and try to kick back and enjoy life a little - I intend to!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Can We Do a 5-Day Week? by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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