Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Time...Relaxing?

Whenever I see those advertisements of families sitting around in their pajamas with fire blazing and movies running, I wonder...who has time to do that?  I know my life hits crazy right about now, and I'll bet most of yours do, too!  It's hard to keep up a normal schedule to get the routine things done when so many "special" events keep popping in.  That's my way of saying that I'm behind on grading.  The past week was crazy, and the weekend is crazy, and the upcoming week will be crazy.  There...whining done.

Last week we all moved past writing and back into the text.  English 9 is almost done reading Act III of Romeo and Juliet (R&J); English 10 is 1/3 of the way through the reading we're going to do for The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (HeLa).  All of them turned in a reading log on Thursday and got a new one on Friday, so we're back to routine for that.  I'm giving them one more this coming week, and then they'll have a break through Christmas.

So here's what's coming up:

English 9
  • Monday, 12/11 - finish Act III and turn in study guide; quiz for Act III
  • Tuesday, 12/12 - Academic Advisory - pre-write and type body paragraph #2
  • Wednesday, 12/13 - edit/revise/print body paragraph #2 and turn in; start Act IV
  • Thursday, 12/14 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #12; continue reading Act IV - finish if possible
  • Friday, 12/15 - get reading log #13; silent reading day
English 10
  • Monday, 12/11 - nouns; study guide and vocab. for pp. 93-102 in HeLa; read chapter 17
  • Tuesday, 12/12 - Academic Advisory - nouns (4th Hour turn in); finish chapter 17 and turn in study guide and vocab.; quiz
  • Wednesday, 12/13 - type 1; pre-write and draft introduction and body paragraph 1 for essay
  • Thursday, 12/14 - PSAT Advisory - TURN IN READING LOG #12; 5th Hour nouns - turn in; revise and edit intro/body paragraphs
  • Friday, 12/15 - print and turn in intro/body paragraphs; get reading log #13; silent reading
That's the plan.  I hope everyone enjoys this snowy weather.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Christmas Time...Relaxing? by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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