Sunday, December 17, 2017

Final Week Before Break

Another vacation is on the horizon...yay!  We have a shortened week this week (no school Friday) so this is also going to be fairly short and sweet.  Last week everyone wrote pieces and parts of their analytical essays and turned them in; everyone also continued reading in the texts.  It was a pretty productive week.

Here's what's coming up this week:

English 9
  • Monday, 12/18 - discuss Act IV and turn in study guides; notes; read Act V of R&J
  • Tuesday, 12/19 - Academic Advisory - finish R&J reading; quiz for Acts IV and V
  • Wednesday, 12/20 - movie for Acts III-V
  • Thursday, 12/21 - PSAT Advisory - holiday activities
  • Friday, 12/22 - Winter Vacation Begins!
English 10
  • Monday, 12/18 - revise/edit/print Intro and Body Paragraph 1 of analytical essay - turn in; read pp. 164-69 of HeLa, study guide, notes
  • Tuesday, 12/19 - Academic Advisory - read pp. 179-83 of HeLa and do study guide and notes; homework - read pp. 194-98
  • Wednesday, 12/20 - study guide and notes for pp. 179-83; pre-write and draft Body Paragraph #2 of analytical essay
  • Thursday, 12/21 - PSAT Advisory - revise/edit/print Body Paragraph 2; holiday activities
  • Friday, 12/22 - Winter Vacation Begins!
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend and has a great week!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Final Week Before Break by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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