Saturday, June 2, 2018

Final Post of the Year

This is going to be my final post.  I hope everyone knows how much I have loved my kids this year.  It's been a great year because my students are the best!  I've loved being able to work with all of them, and for the ones who are leaving me for other teachers in the fall, I will miss them tremendously.  For my current 9th graders who I get to keep in English 10 next year, I'm very excited to get to work with them again!

To finish things off we're basically all doing the same thing: finishing reading our books and doing the final assessments over the texts.  So here's the schedule:

English 9

  • Monday, 6/4 - final verb packet; finish chapter 4 in Of Mice and Men
  • Tuesday, 6/5 - Academic Advisory - verb packet; chapter 5 
  • Wednesday, 6/6 - verb packet; finish reading Of Mice and Men
  • Thursday, 6/7 - Academic Advisory - verb packet; review the book
  • Friday, 6/8 - test for Of Mice and Men
English 10
  • Monday, 6/4 - finish Tuesdays with Morrie with Study Guide; finish the collage on Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 6/5 - Academic Advisory - get the final writing assignment of the year - assessment for Tuesdays with Morrie - begin drafting; watch Morrie Schwartz interview with Ted Koppel
  • Wednesday, 6/6 - finish drafting final writing assignment; watch Morrie Schwartz interview
  • Thursday, 6/7 - Academic Advisory - share final papers with the class - hard copies are due if called on to share.
  • Friday, 6/8 - share final papers with the class - hard copies are due when called on to share.
Don't forget, the final day of school - a half day - is Wednesday, 6/13.

Thanks for sharing your kids with me.  I've loved every minute of it.

Creative Commons License
Final Post of the Year by Laura Stubbsis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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