Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mid-Point, Term 1

Homecoming: exciting, enlightening, exhausting. I love seeing my students in different scenarios compared to sitting in my classroom - from dressing up, to pep assembly games, to football socializing, to all dressed up for the dance. It's wonderful. Here are a few pictures from the week:

I love your kids! Weeks like this make my job fantastic.

But now it's time to move forward. I am happy with the pace we've hit for Animal Farm in English 10, but I think we need to really push forward in English 9 with Romeo and Juliet; by the end of this week I hope to be in the middle of Act III.  Here's my tentative schedule:

English 9

  • Monday, 10/7 - bell work; get vocab. words for week 6; 1st Hour - Act I quiz; 2nd & 6th Hours - finish scene v and do an annotation highlight activity on Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 10/8 - Academic Advisory - bell work; check in definitions; 1st Hour - move to Act II; 2nd & 6th Hours - Act I quiz, move to Act II
  • Wednesday, 10/9 - bell work; Act II
  • Thursday, 10/10 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; turn in reading log; finish Act II; do Act III - Scene i; Flipgrid activity
  • Friday, 10/11 - bell work; vocab. quiz; get new reading log; silent reading
English 10
  • Monday, 10/7 - bell work; get vocab. words for week 6; 3rd Hour - finish reading ch. 5, notes, do characterization activity; 4th Hour - finish characterization activity; read ch. 6
  • Tuesday, 10/8 - Academic Advisory - bell work; check in definitions; 3rd Hour - finish characterization activity, read ch. 6; 4th Hour - finish ch. 6, quiz for ch. 5/6, start ch. 7
  • Wednesday, 10/9 - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish ch. 6, quiz for ch. 5/6, start ch. 7; 4th Hour - vocab. activity for ch. 7/8, start ch. 8
  • Thursday, 10/10 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; 3rd Hour - vocab. activity for ch. 7/8, start ch. 8; 4th Hour - finish ch. 8
  • Friday, 10/11 - bell work; vocab. quiz; 3rd Hour - finish ch. 8; 4th Hour - quiz for ch. 8, start ch. 9
That's the plan and I'll try to stick to it. I'm either getting better at planning, or we're moving through material faster, but we're starting to stick to the plan better and are not getting as far behind, so I'm crossing my fingers that we can stick to it.  I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Mid-Point, Term 1 by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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