Saturday, September 28, 2013

NWEA Testing - Round 1: Done!

Is there ever really any such thing as a normal week?  As of right now, it doesn't feel like it.  This past week all of my classes took the English portion of the NWEA test.  We had a brief moment to breathe, and then we looked at next week's schedule.  Next week, not only is it homecoming week with all the craziness that comes with it, but we're also taking the reading portion of this test.  If there's one thing I've learned in life, however, it's that we will survive it, intact, and the journey will carry on.

In English 9 this last week, we made a little headway in Romeo and Juliet, but not as much as I'd like, so this coming week, when we're not doing Homecoming activities or testing, we'll be working on the play.  The link below will take you to a video I made of my English 9 - 2nd Hour performing out Romeo's oxymorons, leading us to an understanding of his confusion and the conflicted emotions of the play.

Video of 2nd Hour's Oxymorons

In English 11, we continued on with Beowulf and have completed reading the section where he fought with Grendel.  We still have work to do to understand the deeper meanings in the poem, however, so that is what is scheduled for the upcoming week.  I also am trying to get us into the library to create blogs for Beowulf in order to understand what is going on in his (and your student's) head.  Another new adventure with technology!

What has slowed both groups down is the independent reading that they are doing.  We are done reading the books, have finished the final literature circle, and are currently writing the persuasive book reviews.  Their final review is due on Wednesday, either typed or handwritten in blue or black ink.  Every time I feel frustrated that we're going so slowly through the text, I remind myself that we have been working on two texts, not one, so we're actually doing more work, not less.

I hope everyone has a great week, and if you feel so inclined, I may see you at some of the homecoming events this coming weekend.


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