Sunday, October 6, 2013

September is Over, so Bring on October!

What a whirlwind of a week!  We finished our NWEA testing (if your student missed a portion of it, they will be pulled aside to work on it on Monday, 10/7), Homecoming was a great success, we turned in our Book Reviews, and we even completed our first fire drill!  Here are some photos from the festivities.  I chaperoned the dance, too, and the kids looked fabulous, but I was too busy and exhausted to take photos.

Spirit Day - Friday, 10/4

The Parade - Friday, 10/4

In English 9, we were able to complete Act I of Romeo and Juliet and we're working our way through activities and discussion. I'm getting fairly positive feedback from my students, so I think they're enjoying it for the most part.  This week we will finish discussion, try some Elizabethan dance, take a quiz, and work toward reading Acts II and III.  Now that we have completed all of the background information, we should be able to move along more quickly.

In English 11, we have finished reading Part I of Beowulf, so we're finishing the activities and discussions.  Early this coming week they will be completing their first post on a Google Blog for Beowulf.  They're taking on his voice and learning how to create their own blogs.  I'm showing them the difference between saving for privacy, and posting publicly, so that we keep the online risk as low as possible for them while still sharing this technological tool for future use.

I hope everyone has a great week; here's a picture of what I will think back on from September to keep me going as the weather turns cold:

The Huron River at Sunset, Wednesday, 10/2

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