Saturday, March 8, 2014

Moving Forward

What a rough week we had!  ACT/MME week is always tough...and draining...but the events of this past week have completely wiped me out.  So, I'm working on getting myself back together and trying to put some normality into the routines and schedules.  Here's what we've got:

In English 11:  we have completed (at least most of the students have) the ACT/MME.  If a student opted out of the third day of testing, Mr. Irwin will come get them to finish it.  No stress; he won't forget.  In the meantime, we've read through chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies and we plan to finish the book at the beginning of the week.  Right now the test is scheduled for Thursday, but may need to move to Friday.  Then we will begin working on a group project.

In English 9:  we are working on two projects.  The first, the Independent Reading Project, is one they are mostly doing at home.  They are finishing their blogs, and I was talk to most of them on Friday to find out where they were on it.  Over the weekend I will get caught up on those grades.  If your student has a "0" in HAC for a blog, I have them getting things finished off and I'll go in and replace the zero with a grade.  I've asked them to have a t-shirt - either new (but cheap), or an old one we can turn inside out - so that we can paint them on Friday.  I've also set the date for the final project.  Most of this is being done at home for homework.  In class, we're writing an MLA Research Paper.  I'm walking them through the processes and assigning check in dates.  I'm also trying to show them how to use Google Drive so that they can access their materials anywhere, and they can share their work for editing purposes before doing a final copy and printing.  This week we will continue to work on this during class time.

All schedules are subject to change this week because of circumstances outside of our control.  The funeral for Chelsea Klocek will be on Monday.  If you are interested in more information, here is a link:
Our class time on Monday will depend on how many I have in class, especially with the juniors.  My first priority is making sure that my students are OK; academics can wait.  We're praying that Violet makes a full recovery; her family sends us updates from time to time, but are asking for privacy.

Airport Community Schools and Carleton are a wonderful place to work.  I'm reminded of this every time we have a crisis such as this.  I love being in a place where people can set aside their differences and come together to love and support one another.  Your students have been amazing this week, and I love each and every one of them.  Please know that I admire the job you do as parents and hope that I have done much the same for my own children.

Bless you all.  
Creative Commons License
Laura Stubbs's Bloggs by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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