Saturday, March 15, 2014

Two Weeks to Go...

In case anyone has not yet heard, Mr. Lukosavich has extended the end of the quarter to April 1st, so we have about two weeks to go in this term.  Despite the snow day this week, we accomplished quite a bit, so here's the rundown...

In English 9 we have continued to work on our research papers.  All of this is being done in school so that we can type everything and share it on GoogleDrive.  What I especially like about this system is that I can make notes to them which they receive instantly, they can edit immediately, and they can peer edit the same way...and it's all paperless.  So far the steps we have completed are picking a topic, creating a works cited, writing a thesis, outlining the paper, and now we're drafting.  If your student has blanks in the grade book, it's because they have not checked in that step yet.  This coming week we will have three days in the library to type, and then I'll give deadlines for sending me their drafts, editing, and final copies which will be printed.

In the meantime, they are working on their independent book projects.  We're done with the blogs, we're in the middle of the t-shirts (pictures to follow), and they should be working on the large project at home for homework.  We'll present the projects on Monday, 3/24, so they are due that day.

In English 11 we finished reading Lord of the Flies and they have taken the test.  I passed out the project packets so next week we'll be working in groups to complete them.  Presentations will begin on Friday.

On Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending the 10th grade Wax Museum where I got to see past and present students do some fabulous acting as authors.  It was a lot of fun and I have compiled some pictures here:

Have a fabulous week!  Cheers!

Creative Commons License
Two Weeks to Go...Blog by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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