Sunday, April 17, 2016


How great is Michigan when the weather cooperates like it has this weekend?  I hope everyone has had a chance to get outside and enjoy it.  I had the luck of having to sit outside for four hours during my son's double header.  It was a big sacrifice, I know, but someone has to sit in the sunshine and cheer him on. Luckily for my students, they didn't really have homework from me over the weekend, so I'm hoping they all had a chance to get some Vitamin D - the natural way.

We have a busy week coming up, but not nearly as busy as the last couple, so maybe we can settle back into routine again.  Last week they tested with the PSAT9 and most of them finished. Only a couple of people need to finish testing and I'll work with them to catch them up on what they will miss.

This coming week, we have the following:
  • Monday - 2nd Hour needs to finish verb packet #6 for homework (the rest of the hours finished it last week); then we'll continue on with Act III of The Crucible and see if we can finish reading it. 
  • Tuesday - they'll have a new verb packet that tackles past, present, and future verb tenses to do; then they'll work on their Act III study guide.
  • Wednesday - we'll go over and turn in verb packet #7 and turn it in; then we'll finish off Act III, take a quiz, and turn in the study guide.
  • Thursday - they'll get verb packet #8 and work on perfect tense verbs; we'll start Act IV (the final act of The Crucible) and get a new study guide
  • Friday - we'll continue the perfect tense in verb packet #8; we'll continue Act IV of The Crucible.
By the following week, we'll be testing over The Crucible and start working on a project to synthesize the central ideas of the play.

Also, for anyone who chose to take me up on The Scarlet Letter extra credit, I'm going to meet with anyone who wants to go over the first three chapters on Wednesday during advisory day.

I hope everyone has a great week.  Ciao!

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Beautiful! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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