Sunday, April 10, 2016

PSAT Week is Here!

Good afternoon!  I'm running late today, but I've actually been up and moving all weekend.  I graded a bunch of stuff yesterday and put it into the computer, leaving only the essays and big papers to grade.  Only...ha!  Nothing like leaving the difficult stuff for last.  I'm as bad as the kids!  Anyway, I left the house at 7:00 AM this morning and didn't make it back until noon, followed by a pizza dough-making session.  It's an easy dough, and delicious, but it has to sit for at least 4-5 hours, so I guess we're eating it for dinner.  That leaves me lots of time to grade some papers and work on this blog.  So here goes the latter:

This week, we have our weird testing schedule, as follows:
  • Monday - regular day
  • Tuesday - no school in the high school, except Juniors for SAT testing
  • Wednesday - PSAT9, PSAT10, MME11 in the morning; regular schedule picks up starting at 10:30 A.M.
  • Thursday - regular day
  • Friday - regular day
So here's the plan for my classes academically:
  • Monday - we got behind last week, so they'll take the quiz for Act II and finish the Act II packet, turning it in by Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when it is that I see them next.
  • Tuesday - no class
  • Wednesday - no 1st or 2nd Hour; no advisory; 4th through 6th hours I don't have a plan yet, but I'm going to try to keep it light since they're testing all morning.
  • Thursday - no advisory; first - verbs; we'll start Act III and they'll get a new study guide and continue notes
  • Friday - first we'll finish verb packet #6 and turn it in; we'll continue reading Act III with study guide and notes
As a side note, I've offered extra credit toward Term 4 in the form of an extra credit book project.  They have a packet full of project ideas, they just need to pick a book that they would like to read (and that is appropriate in age and level) and do a project for it; it's not due to me until June 10, 2016, so they have lots of time.

Finally, we had a good time reading Act II last week.  They were in small groups which allowed for more people to participate.  Here are some pictures I took of the groups working together:

I loved listening to them work, and then 4th Hour had a group that decided not only to read it aloud, but act it out.  They were hilarious.  I tried to take a video, which isn't very good since you can hear another group in the background, but here it is anyway:
Have a great week! Ciao!

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