Sunday, April 24, 2016

Final Week of April; Final Week of Testing

What beautiful weather we're having!  You just can't beat it.  I even love it when the thunderstorms come through, as they're supposed to Monday evening.  I'm not spending much time out in it, but I can see it from my window.  The good news for my students is that due to fact that we're reading a play in class, they haven't had a whole lot of homework from me, so hopefully they've been able to spend some time outside.

Which leads me to what we accomplished last week.  We finished off another verb packet, so we're firmly enmeshed in the verb tenses.  We also finished Act III and we've begun Act IV of The Crucible.  Testing for the state is just about done, so after this week, we should be completely back on a regular schedule.

So here's what's happening this week:
  • Monday - we'll just about finish reading The Crucible.
  • Tuesday - we'll finish the text of The Crucible and begin reviewing by watching the movie.  The movie is very close to the text, so it's a way to bring it all back to them.  Second Hour we have an assembly mid-way through the hour, so they'll be a touch behind.
  • Wednesday - no advisory due to testing - we'll continue the movie.
  • Thursday - no advisory due to testing - we'll finish the movie; after the movie we'll do final review and they'll have time to work on their notes.
  • Friday - the objective test for The Crucible.  This is open note, so whatever they have written in their notes is eligible to be used on the test.
I will be available for Tuesdays with Teachers for anyone who needs to come get help or make something up.  Because they cancelled advisory this week, I'll also have quizzes available for make up during the movie.

I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Final Week of April; Final Week of Testing by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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