Monday, May 30, 2016

Graduation Week!

As we say goodbye to the senior class, it feels like the end of the school year...but it's not!  We still have two weeks + 1 1/2 days to go!  I've scheduled the exam for Monday, 6/13.  Exams are traditionally the last few days of school, both in high school and college, so that they can reflect the entire semester.  If this will be a problem for your student, they just need to come talk to me so that we can work with your schedule.

Last week we worked our way through the first half of Of Mice and Men.  This week we will finish the book.  The schedule looks like this:
  • Tuesday, 5/31 - we'll finish the verb review packet (test Thursday); then we'll work on the Chapter 4 packet; homework will be to read Chapter 4 for a quiz on Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, 6/1 - we'll do a verb review activity; when finished with verbs, they'll take a quiz over Chapter 4, and then we'll finish the discussion and packets and turn them in; homework will be to read Chapter 5.
  • Thursday, 6/2 - verb test!  Afterward they can work on the vocabulary section of the Chapter 5/6 packet.
  • Friday, 6/3 - we'll read Chapter 6 together and work on the activities.
The test over the novel will be the primary part of the final exam on 6/13.

As far as grades, I've completed all of the grades I have for 2nd Hour (I have a senior in that class and have to submit his final grade by Tuesday).  I'm working on the rest of them today.  It's hours and hours of time, so it may take me a couple of days.  Thanks for your patience!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the long weekend.  Hopefully we're ready to jump in and finish the school year!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Graduation Week! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Allergy Season Corresponds with Senior Season

This is a season of contrasts:  warm sunny days, cool sweatshirt nights; beautiful flowers, allergies gone wild; joyful seniors saying goodbye, tearful seniors saying goodbye.  I love this season, but it comes with a lot of emotional baggage.

I have to keep my freshmen going while we watch the Class of 2016 take their final exit.  Their energy is contagious, making it hard, but it's also an awful lot of fun.  Last week the Agricultural Science program brought in animals to showcase their program to the elementary students, but since it was on the high school property, many of us were able to go out and visit the animals while listening to our students give presentations on something they love.  It was great to see them in a different role:

This week the seniors will finish their projects and tests and tractor day will be Friday.  I'm in the senior hallway and they've already started to come by with hugs, invites to parties, and a few tears.  Then I step back into my classroom and reality hits:  we've still got 3+ weeks of school!  Last week we started Of Mice and Men.  They've read two chapters by now and they have work to go with it.  For the next two weeks you should see them with their books and packets.  There will be quizzes with each section, so they need to keep up, even if they're out for a field trip.  I'll try not to give homework over Memorial Day Weekend, but no promises.

This week we have the following schedule:
  • Monday - we'll finish the chapter 1 packet and turn it in; quiz over chapter 1; chapter 2 should be read and we'll finish the vocabulary for chapter 2.
  • Tuesday - we'll work on indirect objects; we'll finish the chapter 2 packet and turn it in; homework will be to read chapter 3 and do the vocabulary section of the packet.
  • Wednesday - we'll finish the verb packet and turn it in; quiz over chapter 2; we'll work on the chapter 3 packet.
  • Thursday - we'll start the verb review - test Tuesday 5/31; we'll finish and turn in the chapter 3 packet; quiz over chapter 3; homework will be to read chapter 4 and do the vocabulary section of the packet.
  • Friday - we'll finish the verb review - test Tuesday 5/31; we'll finish and turn in the chapter 4 packet; quiz over chapter 4.
That covers it for this week.  If we need to slow down, I will, but I think we can do it. I hope everyone has a blessed week and survives the sneezing season as the cotton starts to fly!

Creative Commons License
Allergy Season Corresponds with Senior Season by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Will It Ever Warm Up?

Happy Spring...I think.  Isn't this weather miserable?  I was supposed to work a carwash today for my son's band, but the cold temperatures and sputtering rain have cancelled it.  We'll see if the baseball double header still goes on...with this cold temperature, I'm actually hoping it won't, but we'll see.

In the meantime, life goes on and the school year keeps marching forward.  We are finishing The Crucible unit with a culminating project and heading for our final literature unit of the year.  The students can see the end of the year on the horizon, so I have to keep reminding them that we still have four weeks left!  At the same time, I have mapped out through the end of the year, so I can give a heads-up for the exam date.

Last week we spent the week building project papers and presentations.  They are in teams and so the papers are a team effort, though the grades are individual.  I asked them to attach their names with all of the work that they did so that they get credit for their own efforts.  However, the winning team in each class will get a pizza lunch on me, so that raises the stakes a bit.

Here's what's coming up this week:
  • Monday - project presentations.  They'll submit the written work and present their ideas to the class as a team.  If they aren't there, they need to have a written note to excuse them, otherwise they'll lose half credit for the presentation portion of the grade.
  • Tuesday - we'll finish any presentations still left...hopefully there won't be any, but I built time in, just in case.  Then we'll turn to working on background information for Of Mice and Men. They have a packet to do which contains in-class and homework activities.
  • Wednesday - we'll work on the final verb packet.  Review and assessment will happen in the next couple of weeks.  Then we'll finish the background and go get the books.
  • Thursday - verbs; we'll read Chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men and work on the study guide packet which contains vocabulary and focus activities for character and setting.
  • Friday - verbs; we'll finish discussion for Chapter 1; homework - Chapter 2.
At this point I'm working on transitioning them to 10th grade.  Expect homework every night.  They'll be doing most of the reading on their own.  We'll talk less about plot line, more about concepts.  The test will be the primary element of the Semester Exam which I have scheduled for Monday, 6/13.  This is our last full day of school for the year.  Exams are always in the final week of school.

That about covers it.  Hopefully everyone has a chance to relax, even if the weather isn't cooperating for outdoor activities. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Will It Ever Warm Up? by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!  Your kids are amazing, which means you must be doing an amazing job!  I hope your day is filled with happiness and love.

Speaking of happiness and love, I'm done with all of the research papers that are in my possession at this moment!  I have some that are being revised; I'll grab those as they come in, and if your student wants to come investigate this possibility for his or her own paper, just have them come talk to me.

I now have just one last batch of essays in my hands, and then I'm completely caught up on grading!  I graded and entered the tests from The Crucible last week.  If your student wants to come do test corrections for 1/2 credit back, they can come during Tuesdays with Teachers or Academic Advisory.  This week we're continuing to work on the culminating group project; presentations are scheduled for Monday, 5/16.

So here's the schedule for this week:
  • Monday - we'll continue with progressive verbs; then we'll spend the day doing research for the project.
  • Tuesday - we'll finish working with verb tenses.  After that we'll start pulling the research paper together into an MLA format using Google Docs.
  • Wednesday - we'll continue pulling things together into the paper form.
  • Thursday - we'll finish the paper, then we'll start on the presentation using Google Slides.  This is also the day of the A.P. World History test, which affects many of my students, so flexibility will be the name of the game.
  • Friday - we'll finish creating the presentations and print the papers.  Presentations will happen on Monday, 5/16.
I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful weekend and gets some time with family.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Happy Mother's Day! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Sunday, May 1, 2016

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Or So They Say...

Rain, rain, go away.  And take the cold with you.  I've been freezing for a week now, so I'm ready for it all to be gone.  In the meantime, however, the yucky weather has been conducive to getting papers graded, since my own kids activities have been narrowed down to where I spend some extra time in the car: watching, warming up, and grading papers.  I feel like I've spent every waking moment grading papers lately.  The good news is that I've got all the research papers that were turned in on time completed and entered.  The bad news is that I haven't gotten to the tests, yet.  That's next.  I'm working as quickly and efficiently as I can.

In the meantime, we've accomplished quite a bit in class.  We're done reading The Crucible.  Here are a couple of pictures from our last moments of reading aloud in groups:

And My Favorite...

After watching the movie, 4th Hour even had enough time to play Kahoot.It!  They're so much fun to do this with...they get so into it!

Then we took the test.  As noted, I'll grade those early this week.

Coming up this week for my classes:
  • We will begin a two-week group project - a culminating project for The Crucible.  It is meant to do two things: help them analyze mass hysteria in our modern society and methods for combatting it; allow them to use a real-world situation of a business proposal to present their ideas.  This week will be for looking at the topic, finding examples of the topic, choosing a specific example, and researching the example.
  • Tuesday we have an assembly 2nd Hour, 9:00 A.M., so that hour will be a bit behind.  I got it in my head that it was last week, but it's this coming Tuesday instead.
  • Wednesday we have an Academic Advisory for anyone who needs it.
  • Thursday we have an Assembly Schedule, so that means shortened hours.
  • A.P. tests are running this week, but for the most part it shouldn't affect my classes because the World History A.P. test doesn't appear to be until the following week.
So that's what's going on.  I hope the weather gets nicer (it's supposed to) and everybody has a good week.  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
April Showers Bring May Flowers, Or So They Say by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at