Monday, May 30, 2016

Graduation Week!

As we say goodbye to the senior class, it feels like the end of the school year...but it's not!  We still have two weeks + 1 1/2 days to go!  I've scheduled the exam for Monday, 6/13.  Exams are traditionally the last few days of school, both in high school and college, so that they can reflect the entire semester.  If this will be a problem for your student, they just need to come talk to me so that we can work with your schedule.

Last week we worked our way through the first half of Of Mice and Men.  This week we will finish the book.  The schedule looks like this:
  • Tuesday, 5/31 - we'll finish the verb review packet (test Thursday); then we'll work on the Chapter 4 packet; homework will be to read Chapter 4 for a quiz on Wednesday.
  • Wednesday, 6/1 - we'll do a verb review activity; when finished with verbs, they'll take a quiz over Chapter 4, and then we'll finish the discussion and packets and turn them in; homework will be to read Chapter 5.
  • Thursday, 6/2 - verb test!  Afterward they can work on the vocabulary section of the Chapter 5/6 packet.
  • Friday, 6/3 - we'll read Chapter 6 together and work on the activities.
The test over the novel will be the primary part of the final exam on 6/13.

As far as grades, I've completed all of the grades I have for 2nd Hour (I have a senior in that class and have to submit his final grade by Tuesday).  I'm working on the rest of them today.  It's hours and hours of time, so it may take me a couple of days.  Thanks for your patience!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the long weekend.  Hopefully we're ready to jump in and finish the school year!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Graduation Week! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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