Sunday, May 1, 2016

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Or So They Say...

Rain, rain, go away.  And take the cold with you.  I've been freezing for a week now, so I'm ready for it all to be gone.  In the meantime, however, the yucky weather has been conducive to getting papers graded, since my own kids activities have been narrowed down to where I spend some extra time in the car: watching, warming up, and grading papers.  I feel like I've spent every waking moment grading papers lately.  The good news is that I've got all the research papers that were turned in on time completed and entered.  The bad news is that I haven't gotten to the tests, yet.  That's next.  I'm working as quickly and efficiently as I can.

In the meantime, we've accomplished quite a bit in class.  We're done reading The Crucible.  Here are a couple of pictures from our last moments of reading aloud in groups:

And My Favorite...

After watching the movie, 4th Hour even had enough time to play Kahoot.It!  They're so much fun to do this with...they get so into it!

Then we took the test.  As noted, I'll grade those early this week.

Coming up this week for my classes:
  • We will begin a two-week group project - a culminating project for The Crucible.  It is meant to do two things: help them analyze mass hysteria in our modern society and methods for combatting it; allow them to use a real-world situation of a business proposal to present their ideas.  This week will be for looking at the topic, finding examples of the topic, choosing a specific example, and researching the example.
  • Tuesday we have an assembly 2nd Hour, 9:00 A.M., so that hour will be a bit behind.  I got it in my head that it was last week, but it's this coming Tuesday instead.
  • Wednesday we have an Academic Advisory for anyone who needs it.
  • Thursday we have an Assembly Schedule, so that means shortened hours.
  • A.P. tests are running this week, but for the most part it shouldn't affect my classes because the World History A.P. test doesn't appear to be until the following week.
So that's what's going on.  I hope the weather gets nicer (it's supposed to) and everybody has a good week.  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
April Showers Bring May Flowers, Or So They Say by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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