Saturday, September 17, 2016

Buona Notte.  I'm writing this as I watch football, having just finished a football Saturday homemade meal of carnitas and Texas trash dip.  I love Saturdays, especially in the fall!  Since Michigan seems to have Colorado well in hand, I decided to get a little work done.

It's been a busy week...and a chaotic one.  Every plan I made seemed to change as it became apparent quickly that I needed to slow things down to make sure my students understood my expectations and how to meet them.  So I changed the calendar every day, just in case anyone was counting on it.  What we finally accomplished was to gain access to Google Classroom on my Chromebooks (beautiful because they can access the assignments and documents from home), and an understanding of what I expect for a well written paragraph with quotes.  It took us three days, at least, but I think we did it.  Students were also introduced to how we do advisory days at the high school - Wednesdays and Thursdays - so we've gotten that accomplished as well.  Of course, this week will be different from last because it's Homecoming, so hopefully they'll retain the pattern for the week after. 

So here's what's coming up this week:
  • Monday - Assembly at the end of the day, freshmen wear white for spirit week - we'll work on annotating text, check in and discuss this weekend's homework, and do a Type 1.
  • Tuesday - students dress up as twins and take a selfie - we'll finish Preposition Packet #1 and turn it in, do a Type 1, read Stage 3 and annotate it, and do the study guide.
  • Wednesday - pajama day, assembly at the end of the day - we'll start Preposition Packet #2, check in and discuss the homework, do a Type 1, and prewrite for the mid-unit assessment.
  • Thursday - animal print/camo day, advisory schedule - we will work on writing the mid-unit assessment.
  • Friday - blue and gold day, assembly at the end of the day - we'll do a Type 1 and turn them in for the week, work on prepositions, and then we'll finish the mid-unit assessment.
As always, as things change, I'll update the online calendar.  I hope everyone has a good week.  If you go to the game on Friday and see me, make sure you say, "Hi!" I'd love to see you!  Ciao!

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