Sunday, September 4, 2016

Welcome to the 2016/2017 School Year!

Welcome!  Can you believe summer flew by that fast?  Here we are at the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year...already!  I am your student's 9th grade English teacher for this year.  I like to use this space to post information about what we have accomplished and what we will work on in the upcoming week.  This is not required reading (I'm a parent, so that makes me go, "Ha!"), but for anyone who would like more detail than what a calendar or email can provide, this is the space for you!

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.  I am in my 23rd year of teaching (amazing, since I'm only 35, right?), this being my 18th year at Airport.  I began my career in the Lansing School District (my home town) and then moved this direction and received the opportunity to work at Airport.  I have two boys of my own - 13 and 15 - and they are the light of my life.  I also have a husband who helps me keep my sanity as I try to negotiate my two worlds: teacher and mom.  Much of what I do in the classroom is driven by my experiences in the mom-world, so I try to make sure that my classroom is not only student-friendly, but parent friendly, because I know what it's like to be on the other side of the table.  If you ever need me, want to address an issue, or even just want to say hi, please feel free to contact me.  My door is always open to both you and your student.

So let's get things started.  Here is what is coming up this week:

  • Monday - Labor Day - hopefully you get a chance to enjoy your day.
  • Tuesday - First Day of School - parent letters will go out to be signed by you (due by Friday); introductions will be made; they'll interview another student in the room; homework - a type-three writing - due Thursday - based on the interview.
  • Wednesday - Pre-Test for Reading.  This will take the whole hour and is PSAT based since your student will be taking this test in April.
  • Thursday - turn in the type three writing; pre-reading activities for our first unit, along with instructions on notes, type ones, and procedures; homework - vocab. and study guide questions.
  • Friday - parent letters are due; check in of homework from Thursday; instruction on reading and annotation; reading of "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised By Wolves" Short Story; homework - vocab. and study guide questions.
Please note that this is my plan, and plans change (the best laid plans of mice and men, and all that).  I try to keep my calendar up to date on my webpage so that if you need to know about changes, you can check there.

This is going to be a great year.  I can't wait to get started, and I hope you can feel the excitement as well.  Have a great week.  Ciao!

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