Sunday, November 20, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  The holidays are here, and the weather sure is cooperating at this point...I have snow all over my yard right now!  One of those lake effect snow bands hit us hard yesterday.  If anyone was watching the end of the Michigan game, the same band dropped by my house, too.

I hope everyone is finding some time to relax.  I'm working on balancing work and family time at this point, as well.  Last week I got lots of things put into HAC, though from your perspective it probably doesn't look like it.  Please be patient with me and remember that I have 150 students with the same assignment, so it takes time to get them all done.  I also have the issue that just as I dig myself out of one hole, the next hole opens up right next to me.  We worked this past week on two things:  a 5-paragraph essay that was turned in on Friday (which many did not have completed on time, despite having two days for working on the outline, and two days to get it written from said outline), and we worked on Act III and three of my classes did a Type 1/2 and turned it in.  The exception to the essay deadline is 2nd Hour - with two fog delays so far this year, they've gotten behind and they are turning in the essay on Monday.  All that said, I'm working on grading this weekend along with trying to get ready for Thanksgiving.  I hope this doesn't sound whiny; it's meant to be explanatory.

So with our very short week coming up, here's what we're doing:  trying to finish reading Act III of Romeo and Juliet.  That's it.  That's my whole goal.  We'll see how I do and I'll keep the online calendar updated.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, filled with family and joy!  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Happy Thanksgiving! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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