Sunday, November 6, 2016

It's Parent/Teacher Conference Time!

It's that time of year again!  I've already done both of my conferences as a parent, and now I'm ready for the parents of my students.  I enjoy getting to connect with so many parents, since I see both sides of the spectrum myself.  I hope to meet as many as possible between the two days.

In the meantime, we keep pushing forward with Romeo and Juliet.  Last week we managed to finish the Preposition unit and Act I of the play.  Here's what's coming up this week:
  • Monday, 11/7 - we're finishing all discussion and activities of Act I.  All study guides and vocab. cards will be turned in by the end of the hour.  We'll also finish the notes for this section.  If time, I have a couple of activities to do that get them up and moving.
  • Tuesday, 11/8 - we'll finish any movement activities and move towards the Type 1/2 worksheet.  FYI: the Type 2 counts as a quiz.  Then I'll show them the movie clip of Act I all the way through with the Claire Danes/Leo DiCaprio version.
  • Wednesday, 11/9 - we'll start with a PSAT Annotation, then head into Act II.  They'll get a new study guide and vocab. cards.
  • Thursday, 11/10 - I want to finish the Act II reading and do the notes.
  • Friday, 11/11 - anything that is lagging in Act II will be finished, and then we'll prepare for the Mid-Unit Assessment.
There's the schedule.  I hope to see as many parents as possible this week, and I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having.  Enjoy the week!  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
It's Parent/Teacher Conference Time! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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