Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy 2018 Everyone!  I hope everyone has had a relaxing vacation full of friends, family, and enjoyment.  Unfortunately, once we reach New Year's Day it means that vacation is coming to an end, but it also means that we are refreshed and ready to start again.

This coming week is short, so this will be brief, also:

English 9
  • Wednesday, 1/3 - we'll pick up where we left off and write the third body paragraph of an analytical essay.
  • Thursday, 1/4 - we'll watch Letters to Juliet.
  • Friday, 1/5 - we'll continue Letters to Juliet; a new reading log will be handed out.
English 10
  • Wednesday, 1/3 - we'll read the second to last section of Henrietta Lacks and do a study guide.
  • Thursday, 1/4 - quiz over the reading from Wednesday; we'll finish our reading of Henrietta Lacks.
  • Friday, 1/5 - quiz over the final reading; finish the study guide and turn it in; a new reading log will be handed out.
That's all I've got for this week.  The semester is coming to an end on 1/19, which gives us two and a half weeks to finish our units.  I'm still mulling over semester exams.  For those going to some sort of college after high school, it is useful to practice the skill of prepping for and taking these tests, but we do not have an exam schedule built in, so I haven't decided whether to do one or not.  I'll let everyone know when I know!  Have a great week everyone. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Happy New Year! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://www.laurastubbs.blogspot.com.

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