Sunday, January 21, 2018

Welcome to Semester Two!

Good morning everyone, and welcome to those who are new to my English classes.  We're halfway through the school year and I'm doing my regular Sunday morning routine and updating my blog with information for what we did last week and for what's coming up this week.  It's not mandatory reading; it's just here for those who would like a little more detail about what their student is doing in English 9 and/or English 10.

For those who were with me last semester, last week we finished the semester by turning in a final paper.  I'm currently working on grading them so that two more grades will be entered in the gradebook: 10 practice points for the rough draft and editing marks, and 20 academic points for the final copy.  My grades are due on Thursday, so everything will be completed by then.

This week both groups start new units.  In English 9 we're getting ready to read The Crucible. In English 10 we're getting ready to do some background readings toward our Wax Museum Research Project.  For all English 10 parents, the Wax Museum Evening Presentations (with required presence by your student) are scheduled for March 13, 2018 from 6:30-8:30. Save the Date flyers were sent home to you with your student.  It is a great evening and we hope to see you all there.

So here is this week's schedule:

English 9
  • Monday, 1/22 - Bell work - comma usage; Type 1's for commas and The Crucible; get all paperwork for The Crucible; go check out the text.
  • Tuesday, 1/23 - Academic Advisory - read Act I of The Crucible and do notes and vocab.
  • Wednesday, 1/24 - Bell work - comma usage; continue reading and working on Act I of The Crucible.
  • Thursday, 1/25 - PSAT Advisory - Bell work - comma usage; continue reading and working on Act I of The Crucible.
  • Friday, 1/26 - get new reading log - due Thursday, 2/1; silent reading day.
English 10
  • Monday, 1/22 - Bell work - comma usage; Type 1's for commas and literary elements; background for "The Devil and Tom Walker."
  • Tuesday, 1/23 - Academic Advisory - read "The Devil and Tom Walker" and fill in story map.
  • Wednesday, 1/24 - Bell work - comma usage; discuss and take notes on "The Devil and Tom Walker."
  • Thursday, 1/25 - PSAT Advisory - Bell work - comma usage; finish "The Devil and Tom Walker."
  • Friday, 1/26 - get new reading log - due Thursday, 2/1; silent reading day.
I hope everyone has a great week!  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Welcome to Semester Two! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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