Saturday, May 19, 2018

Not Long Now...

Only a couple of these to go, and we'll be done for the year! I definitely have spring fever, and speaking of that, is anyone else sick of the rain? I'm sitting here typing this on my phone while listening to a Picnic Pops concert which had to be moved inside. It's the last concert of the year for all of the bands in the district, and usually it's a really nice day to relax in the sun.  This is what it looks like this year:

On a positive note, my son was picked to do one of the intro's, which I didn't know was going to happen, and lucky for him I had crawled my way down to the front so I not only got a picture, I was able to record it for posterity!  I'll just share the picture:

Getting back to business, we are now entering our last units of the year. English 9 finished Sugar Changed the World last week and is moving on to Of Mice and Men, and English 10 finished A Raisin in the Sun and is moving on to Tuesdays with Morrie.

Here's the basic plan for the week:

English 9

  • Monday, 5/21 - Verb Tenses; finish pre-reading activities, start Chapter 1 of OMaM.
  • Tuesday, 5/22 - Academic Advisory - Verb Tenses; finish Chapter 1
  • Wednesday, 5/23 - Verb Tenses; start Chapter 2
  • Thursday, 5/24 - Academic Advisory - Verb Tenses; finish Chapter 2
  • Friday, 5/25 - Verb Tenses; start Chapter 3
English 10
  • Monday, 5/21 - get books; Google Classroom - pre-reading activities
  • Tuesday, 5/22 - Academic Advisory - read pp. 1-47 of TwM
  • Wednesday, 5/23 - read pp. 48-61
  • Thursday, 5/24 - Academic Advisory - read pp. 62-79; get worksheet for assigned page numbers for Friday
  • Friday, 5/25 - discussion day - with snacks!
That is my plan. I hope you have a great week. Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Not Long Now... by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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