Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Chaos of the End of the Year

First, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.  I think the toughest job in the world is being a mom.  When my kids were little, I thought it was tough because I never had a moment to myself.  Now that they are 15 and 17, it's tough because they want to exist much of the time without me. (Maybe that's why they say being a grandparent is the best?) I'm told they eventually do come back to you.  I know I am so grateful for my mom, and I'm happy that I get to spend the day with her.  Here's one of my favorite pictures of she and I:

So, back to business - due to field trips, A.P. testing, and prom, my classroom schedule is now in complete chaos.  Don't get me wrong, overall it was an enjoyable week, but my whole schedule got blown up.  I tried to adjust the calendar and set up this week, but it is crazy.  I now have to set everything up pretty much hour to hour, so I hope you can understand what we're doing.

Last week English 9 finished reading Sugar Changed the World, and we're now doing final assessment for it.  English 10 is mid-way through A Raisin in the Sun, and I'm hoping to finish it this week.

Here's the plan:

English 9
  • Monday, 5/14 - 1st Hour - finish outline, type essay - due Wednesday; 2nd Hour - turn in quiz, outline essay; 3rd Hour - outline essay.
  • Tuesday, 5/15 - Academic Advisory - 1st Hour - pre-reading for Of Mice and Men; 2nd and 3rd Hour - finish outline, type essay - due Thursday
  • Wednesday, 5/16 - 1st Hour - turn in essay, finish pre-reading for Of Mice and Men; 2nd and 3rd Hour - pre-reading for Of Mice and Men
  • Thursday, 5/17 - Academic Advisory - 1st Hour - get books and start Of Mice and Men; 2nd and 3rd Hour - turn in essay, finish pre-reading for Of Mice and Men
  • Friday, 5/18 - everyone - read Of Mice and Men
English 10
  • Monday, 5/14 - 4th Hour - discuss Raisin Act II Scene 2, read Scene 3; 5th Hour - discuss Raisin Act II Scene 1, read Scene 2
  • Tuesday, 5/15 - Academic Advisory - 4th Hour - read Act III; 5th hour - discuss Raisin Act II Scene 2, read Scene 3
  • Wednesday, 5/16 - 4th Hour - finish discussing the play, movie; 5th Hour - read Act III
  • Thursday, 5/16 - Academic Advisory - 4th Hour - movie; 5th Hour - finish discussing the play, movie
  • Friday, 5/17 - everyone - finish movie; test for A Raisin in the Sun
That's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great Mother's Day and a fabulous week.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
The Chaos of the End of the Year by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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