Sunday, November 25, 2018

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break.  My time was busy, but well spent, with family and friends.  I'm also feeling revived and ready to go for the next stretch until the next holiday break in four weeks. We have a lot to accomplish, and though it feels like we have lots of time to do it, I know that in the end it will feel rushed, so I'm ready to get at it.

Right before break, English 9 was working on an essay for Romeo and Juliet, and we're now in the process of typing it.  They will have time to work on this in class on Monday, but it will come due on Tuesday and be worth 50 points. In English 10 we're in the middle of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and they'll have their first real assessment for the book on Thursday.  So here's the plan:

English 9

  • Monday, 11/26 - work time to type essay.
  • Tuesday, 11/27 - Academic Advisory - edit, revise and submit essay through Google Classroom.
  • Wednesday, 11/28 - prepositions; Stranger Things activity for learning about literary terms.
  • Thursday, 11/29 - Scheduling Advisory (for 10th grade) - prepositions; Stranger Things activity. 
  • Friday, 11/30 - silent reading day; get new reading log.
English 10
  • Monday, 11/26 - Type 1 (SAT); Chapter 13 of HeLa
  • Tuesday, 11/27 - Academic Advisory - Type 1 (SAT); Chapter 14, 15, 16 presentations and quizzes
  • Wednesday, 11/28 - Type 1 (SAT); Chapter 17 of HeLa; finish study guide and vocab. and turn in.
  • Thursday, 11/29 - PSAT/SAT Advisory - Type 1 (SAT) and turn in; assessment for HeLa (first 1/3 of the book); Chapter 18, 19 presentations
  • Friday, 11/30 - Passion Project - planning for and setting up for an interview
That's what I have for this week.  FYI, if your student is interested in traveling to Italy with me in 2020 there is a parent meeting in the Media Center on Wednesday, 11/28 at 6:00.  It's purely informational, but it will help me to determine if we have enough interest to take it to the Board.

Have a great week!

Creative Commons License
Welcome Back! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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