Last week English 9 finished The Crucible work and watched the movie. English 10 submitted their final copies of their research papers (which I'm working on grading this weekend, but it's slow), and then they took a well-earned break and watched Freedom Writers.
This coming week, English 9 will take the objective portion of the assessment for The Crucible and then write an essay about it. English 10 will be doing preview activities for Macbeth so that when we get back from break we'll be able to start reading the text very quickly.
Both groups will be filling out the forms for their PSAT's which will be the week we get back from break.
Here's the schedule:
English 9
- Monday, 3/25 - pre-bubble for PSAT; Crucible test
- Tuesday, 3/26 - Academic Advisory - pre-write the essay; set up the document
- Wednesday, 3/27 - write the essay
- Thursday, 3/28 - NO ADVISORY - write the essay
- Friday, 3/29 - revise and edit the essay; submit
English 10
- Monday, 3/25 - pre-bubble for PSAT; work on timeline assignment
- Tuesday, 3/26 - Academic Advisory - commas; work on timeline assignment - due by midnight
- Wednesday, 3/27 -semicolons; murder mystery game
- Thursday, 3/28 - NO ADVISORY - semicolons; Flipgrid video for Act I, Scene i
- Friday, 3/29 - finish Flipgrid video
That's the plan for the week. I hope everyone has a great week, and then a great spring break. See you on the other side!
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Spring Break is On Its Way! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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