Sunday, March 17, 2019

Thank You, All!

Thank you to all the parents who helped to support my 10th grade students in their Wax Museum. This includes all of you 9th grade parents who brought your kids, or dropped them off.  There were a lot of people there, so I know I missed many of you, but I truly appreciate all the help we had to make that a successful event.

I took many pictures, so I'm going to post them here.  I'm so sorry for the ones I missed.  It was mostly because they'd ventured away from their post and I just didn't catch them:

This is a tough project, and the kids were amazing.  Now we're finishing off the research paper and scheduling for 11th grade, and then we can all breathe!  I told them no breathing is allowed until Monday is over.

So last week, the 10th graders finished the project and worked on editing the research papers. The 9th grade managed to finish reading The Crucible, so now they're heading for assessments.  We'll do the test this week, and the essay next week.

Here's our schedule:

English 9

  • Monday, 3/18 - hand back papers; finish the Act IV packet
  • Tuesday, 3/19 - Academic Advisory - commas; watch The Crucible movie
  • Wednesday, 3/20 - commas; watch The Crucible movie
  • Thursday, 3/21 - PSAT Advisory - commas; finish The Crucible movie; kahoot review
  • Friday, 3/22 - test for The Crucible
English 10
  • Monday, 3/18 - enroll in and submit research papers; schedule for 11th grade
  • Tuesday, 3/20 - Academic Advisory - commas; hand back papers; watch movie
  • Wednesday, 3/21 - commas; watch movie
  • Thursday, 3/21 - PSAT Advisory - commas; finish movie
  • Friday, 3/22 - commas; begin Macbeth
So that's about it.  Happy St. Patrick's day to all you Irish and Honorary-Irish people. It's a great day for wearing green, and...oh!  Sorry Blue people, but in honor of my hometown and my alma mater:  Image result for Sparty Happy St. Patrick's Day

Go Green and Sparty On!!! Good luck to us, though, since we're in the same bracket as Duke.

Creative Commons License
Thank You, All by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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