Sunday, March 10, 2019

Wax Museum Week!

Well 10th grade community - here it is: Wax Museum Week!  On Wednesday we'll be in the cafeteria at the high school from 6:30-8:30 with our boards, all dressed up, giving our speeches.  Please come and enjoy - it's open to anybody, including 9th grade students and parents if they'd like to get an idea of what's coming at them for the next year.  My students kind of freaked me out at first since they didn't seem to get it, but by the end of the week last week they were getting in the spirit of things, using their time well (mostly), and I began to feel like this might actually happen.

In addition to it being Wax Museum Week, it's also Coming Home Week - yay! The schedule for spirit week participation looks like this:
  • Monday - Occupation Day - dress like your future occupation, or an occupation of your choice
  • Tuesday - Fake an Injury Day
  • Wednesday - Age Day - Seniors (senior citizens), Juniors (Moms and Dads); Sophomores (Teens); Freshmen (Kindergartners)
  • Thursday - Vine Day
  • Friday - Blue and Gold Day
We will have assembly schedule on Monday in order to have a dodge ball game at the end of the day; the rest of the week is pretty much a normal schedule, and the dance is Friday night (I'm chaperoning, so pray for me).

Here's our schedule for this week:

English 9
  • Monday, 3/11 - Assembly Schedule - finish Act III packet; Act III quiz
  • Tuesday, 3/12 - Academic Advisory - type 1 commas; start Act IV
  • Wednesday, 3/13 - type 1 commas; continue Act IV
  • Thursday, 3/14 - PSAT Advisory - type 1 commas (turn in); finish reading Act IV
  • Friday, 3/15 - work on Act IV packet
English 10
  • Monday, 3/11 - Assembly Schedule - finish and submit rough drafts; start speech presentations
  • Tuesday, 3/12 - Academic Advisory - speech presentations
  • Wednesday, 3/13 - Wax Museum Night (6:30-8:30) - work on boards and solidifying costumes and speeches for this evening
  • Thursday, 3/14 - PSAT Advisory - finish speech presentations; begin revising research papers
  • Friday, 3/15 - Revision Stations; Peer Editing of papers - RESEARCH PAPER FINAL COPY IS DUE MONDAY! (1st Hour has an assembly, so I'll figure out how to get them what they need and make sure they're not being denied information to help them do the paper correctly.)
That's the plan, and I think we'll be able to accomplish it all.

Finally - 10th grade parents - on Monday, 3/18 we'll be scheduling for 11th grade, so the signatures and paperwork need to be finished and brought in by that date.  I'll start putting it on their radar again this week.

Have a great week, everyone!

Creative Commons License
Wax Museum Week! by Laura Stubbsis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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