Sunday, March 3, 2019

Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Round Two!

I think spring might actually arrive sometime in the near future, just maybe not this week.  Today is cold, and the weather person said that the cold is sticking around, but that works for me because it means I get more work done.  I have literally spent the entire weekend grading; I even took papers with me to my son's District Band Festival and graded papers to the likes of Bizet and Mahler.  I actually kind of enjoyed it.  The main point of this is that I am just about all the way caught up!  I sent out emails to parents I'd really like to see at Parent/Teacher Conferences because their student is struggling, but as my student's know, I'll talk to anybody and love it, so I hope anyone who wants to conference comes by or gets in touch with me.

We're cruising along in class (finally) and accomplished a lot last week.  English 9 is now over halfway through the play and we've made it into Act III of The Crucible. English 10 spent four days of work time taking notes and picking out pieces of writing to analyze.  So here's the plan for this week:

English 9

  • Monday, 3/4 - finish Mad Libs from Friday; turn in vocabulary packets for Act III; continue reading Act III.
  • Tuesday, 3/5 - Academic Advisory - Type 1 commas; continue reading Act III
  • Wednesday, 3/6 - 1/2 Day - continue reading Act III
  • Thursday, 3/7 - PSAT Advisory - Type 1 commas; finish Act III; quiz; start Act IV
  • Friday, 3/8 - Type 1 commas - turn in for week; continue reading Act IV
English 10
  • Monday, 3/4 - Type 1 punctuation; create Works Cited on Google Classroom and Submit; create Thesis Statement in packet and check in; Homework - create an outline for your paper
  • Tuesday, 3/5 - Academic Advisory - Type 1 punctuation - turn in; check in outline; write rough draft on Google Classroom with in-text citations
  • Wednesday, 3/6 - 1/2 Day - work on rough draft
  • Thursday, 3/7 - PSAT Advisory - punctuation packet - commas; work on rough draft; start working on speech
  • Friday, 3/8 - commas; work on rough draft - due submitted on Google Classroom on Monday; work on speech - presented in class on Monday
So that's our busy schedule.  I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Round Two! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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