Last week all of my hours got off schedule from each other, so my calendar for the week is rather generic. Add to it that there's an assembly during 3rd Hour this week and I can't tell if there are any advisories this week, and it will continue to be off schedule for the time being. English 9 is in the middle of reading Chapter 1 of Animals in Translation; English 10 is in the middle of Macbeth. Both continue to write analytical paragraphs for assessment, so I'm bogged down in grading.
Here's the schedule for this week:
English 9
- Monday, 4/29 - work on the second paragraph assessment - 5th Hour due today; 2nd Hour due Tuesday
- Tuesday, 4/30 - NO ADVISORY - finish working on the second assessment; continue reading pp. 17-26
- Wednesday, 5/1 - continue reading pp. 17-26; annotations and study guide
- Thursday, 5/2 - NO ADVISORY ON SCHEDULE - finish reading pp. 17-26; start final paragraph assessment
- Friday, 5/3 - finish final paragraph assessment
- Monday, 4/29 - finish Act II; watch movie
- Tuesday, 4/30 - 3rd HOUR ASSEMBLY - finish movie; tableaux
- Wednesday, 5/1 - finish tableaux; start Act III; study guide
- Thursday, 5/2 - NO ADVISORY ON SCHEDULE - continue Act III; study guide
- Friday, 5/3 - continue Act III; study guide
That's the plan. Have a great week everyone.

Busy, Busy, Busy by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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