Sunday, April 7, 2019

One Term to Go

I hope everyone had a good break. I know I did, and I'm ready for the home stretch. I spent part of my week taking care of business, and then the rest of my week was therapeutic as I flew to Massachusetts to spend time with a friend I have not seen in 31 years! I loved every moment of it, and it felt like we'd never been apart. Here's a picture of us at 17 from 1988, and you can do the math to figure out how old we are in 2019:

She lives in the Boston area and totally catered to the literary geek in my personality, so we went to Salem where we visited Nathaniel Hawthorne's birthplace (and I got a t-shirt with a Scarlet A on it!), and then we went to the memorial to the victims of the witch trials:

Another day we went to one of my favorite New England towns, Concord, where we had lunch in a charming restaurant on a creek, and then we went to Sleepy Hollow Cemetery to visit the graves of four of my favorite authors: Thoreau, Hawthorne, Louisa May Alcott, and Emerson.  The picture of me is me communing with all of the Alcotts. I told you - I'm a total geek:

It has been a challenging year and an interesting year, and this week the trend will continue.  Tuesday and Wednesday are the big testing days, so the schedules will be different. On Tuesday, 10th graders come to school at the regular time, take their PSAT 10 in the gym, and then they are free to go, or wait for the bus.  We encourage them to find a way out of there if they can because we will not be running classes so they just sit there.  On Wednesday we repeat the process with the ninth graders.  On the days that students are not testing they stay home.

So here's the schedule for the week:

English 9
  • Monday, 4/8 - finish and submit the Crucible papers through Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 4/9 - stay home
  • Wednesday, 4/10 - PSAT 9
  • Thursday, 4/11 - watch Temple Grandin and take notes
  • Friday, 4/12 - watch Temple Grandin and take notes
English 10
  • Monday, 4/8 - finish semicolon packet and turn in; review Act I, sc. i of Macbeth; watch Act I, sc. i-iii
  • Tuesday 4/9 - PSAT 10
  • Wednesday, 4/10 - stay home
  • Thursday, 4/11 - bell work; read Act I of Macbeth
  • Friday, 4/12 - bell work; read Act I of Macbeth
I hope everyone has a great week. Ciao!
Creative Commons License

One Term to Go by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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