Sunday, September 15, 2019

Slow and Steady Wins the Race...Right?

Here we are on week three of the school year and I'm already behind. I keep reminding myself when I look at my calendars and plans (and my heart races because we're behind where I feel like we need to be) that it's most important to do things right, and if that slows us down, then so be it.  Hopefully I'll get better at planning so that I don't have to keep revising my calendars.

Last week we managed to get most of the introductory materials completed, and the kids went to pick up their books - English 9 grabbed Romeo and Juliet and English 10 grabbed Animal Farm. English 9 also started working with the idea of independent reading and we made a very necessary trip to the library and read in there (it's air conditioned).

Here's what we have coming up this week:

English 9

  • Monday, 9/16 - bell work; academic vocab. words - get definitions; Shakespeare notes; quiz over Shakespeare; vocab. cards for Shakespeare
  • Tuesday, 9/17 - Academic Advisory - bell work; check in academic vocab. words; Act I Prologue worksheet; quiz for the Prologue
  • Wednesday, 9/18 - bell work; begin reading Act I of Romeo and Juliet - study guide
  • Thursday, 9/19 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; continue reading Act I of Romeo and Juliet - study guide
  • Friday, 9/20 - bell work; quiz over academic vocab. words; silent reading and reading logs handed out
English 10
  • Monday, 9/16 - bell work; academic vocab. words - get definitions; read Animal Farm Chapter 1 - Cornell notes
  • Tuesday, 9/17 - Academic Advisory - bell work; check in academic vocab. words; finish Chapter 1; quiz for Chapter 1
  • Wednesday, 9/18 - bell work; Animal Farm Chapter 2
  • Thursday, 9/19 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; finish Chapter 2; vocab. game for chapters 1/2
  • Friday, 9/20 - bell work; quiz over academic vocab. words; start Chapter 3
And that is the plan. I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Slow and Steady Wins the Race...Right? by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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