Saturday, November 9, 2019

Term Two Begins

Term One is done; on to Term Two. That was fast, wasn't it? As I look back, I see much that we accomplished: we finished our first units; we wrote (or are in the process of writing) our first big papers; we did quite a bit of SAT-type work with grammar. Yet, I see so much that we need to do: more writing; more reading; more reflecting. It's a constant process to try to improve my classroom.

Last week English 10 moved on to a new unit: The Genetics of Justice. It's really a unit about human rights and some interesting discussions have occurred. English 9 pretty much finished reading Romeo and Juliet so that we can do final assessments - both objective test and our first large analytical essay.

Here's my plan for the week:

English 9

  • Monday, 11/11 - bell work; 1st Hour - watch movie and take quiz for Acts IV/V; 2nd and 6th Hours - finish the play; watch movie
  • Tuesday, 11/12 - Academic Advisory - bell work; 1st Hour - Reduced Shakespeare video and begin essay; 2nd and 6th Hours - quiz for Acts IV/V and Reduced Shakespeare video
  • Wednesday, 11/13 - bell work; essay
  • Thursday, 11/14 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; turn in reading logs; essay
  • Friday, 11/15 - bell work; essay; weekly exit ticket
English 10
  • Monday, 11/11 - bell work; read The Narrative of Frederick Douglass
  • Tuesday, 11/12 - Academic Advisory - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish Frederick Douglass; 4th Hour - quiz, quickwrite, slavery today Ted Talk, begin reflective writing
  • Wednesday, 11/13 - bell work; 3rd Hour - quiz, quickwrite, slavery today Ted Talk, begin reflective writing; 4th Hour - finish reflective writing, ORP project begins - packet due 11/22, article on Jim Crow
  • Thursday, 11/14 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish reflective writing, ORP project begins - packet due 11/22, article on Jim Crow; 4th Hour - finish article on Jim Crow, begin James Baldwin letter
  • Friday, 11/15 - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish article on Jim Crow, begin James Baldwin letter; 4th Hour - finish James Baldwin; weekly exit ticket
That's the plan as I see it. I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao!

Creative Commons License
Term Two Begins by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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