Saturday, January 11, 2020

Project/Paper Week

Another week closer to the end; another week of finalizing things off. We're at the point in the term where they are doing their final papers and projects for the final unit of the semester, which means that I supply work time in class, but most likely they need to work outside of the classroom as well (homework). That always makes them peppy! English 9 is in the process of creating a paper for story elements; English 10 is creating a group presentation on Human Rights.  I have a video of my 4th hour working on their projects: they were so focused and doing such a great job I wanted to share, but as of right now I haven't been able to figure out how to share across accounts onto Blogger, so I can't get it here for you to see. If that changes, I'll edit this and put it in.

This coming week we will finalize the papers and projects, and then we'll submit and present them. Here is the schedule for the week:

English 9

  • Monday, 1/13 - bell work; set up paper in Docs; write the body of the paper
  • Tuesday, 1/14 - Academic Advisory - bell work; write the intro and conclusion of the paper
  • Wednesday, 1/15 - bell work; finish writing the paper; edit and revise
  • Thursday, 1/16 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; read alouds and final edits for the paper - DUE BY MIDNIGHT; hand out exam study guide
  • Friday, 1/17 - bell work; review parts of speech
English 10 
  • Monday, 1/13 - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish HeLa and start quiz; 4th Hour - work day
  • Tuesday, 1/14 - Academic Advisory - bell work; 3rd Hour - finish quiz and start project; 4th Hour - final work day for practicing and editing
  • Wednesday, 1/15 - bell work; 3rd Hour - work day; 4TH HOUR - PRESENTATIONS
  • Thursday, 1/16 - PSAT Advisory - bell work; 3rd Hour - work day; 4th Hour - finish presentations and hand out exam study guide
  • Friday, 1/17 - bell work; 3rd Hour - final work day for practicing and editing, hand out exam study guide; 4th Hour - watch Hidden Figures
That's the schedule as I see it now. I hope everyone has a great week! Ciao! 
Creative Commons License
Project/Paper Week by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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