Sunday, November 3, 2013

Term 1 is Done!

Well, we've made it through the first term.  Grades are not due for the teachers until Tuesday, so I'm still finalizing things.  I hope everyone remembers that this is a benchmark of how they're doing; it's only 50% of their semester grade, and that's the one that earns credit and goes on record.  So if your student's grades are not where they should be, we have another term to try it again and to push it up.  If the grade is looking great...fantastic!  Let's hold it there.  Conferences are Thursday from 12:00 to 7:15 and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you.  If you cannot make it, but want to meet with me, drop me a line and I'll arrange it with you.

Looking back at English 9 we accomplished two things:  an independent reading book and review, and Romeo and Juliet.  The tests are in HAC, and I'm finalizing all of the remaining writing assignments.  Looking forward, they're doing a creative project that will be completed this coming week, and then we'll move into reading To Kill a Mockingbird as our major text of Term 2.

Here is a video of my 6th Hour doing a kinesthetic punctuation activity:

6th Hour Shakespeare Punctuation Activity

Looking back at English 11, we also accomplished two things:  an independent reading book and review, although my 3rd Hour is in process of finishing a second book, and Beowulf.  I'm still working on their final papers; if I can't get them done they'll go on 2nd term.  From here we're doing a very short unit on The Canterbury Tales which includes the medieval times, and then we move to Macbeth - one of my favorite Shakespeare plays.  I've been investigating fun activities and ways to get them more involved in the play in order to make it more interesting to them.  I'm hoping to have an evening celebration to share their many projects sometime in December.  I'd like to invite all the parents in to see our Shakespearean projects, including the freshmen group.  I'll let you know more as I get closer to it.

This week's schedule goes as follows:
  • Monday - regular school day
  • Tuesday - regular school day
  • Wednesday - ms/hs professional development day; no school for students
  • Thursday - ms/hs conferences 12:00 - 7:15; no school for students
  • Friday - regular school day
Have a fabulous week, and I hope to see many of you on Thursday!

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