Saturday, May 6, 2017

Finishing Module Four

May is here, and so are the field trips.  I'm starting to lose people left and right, so it's very important for students to check calendars and check in frequently since the curriculum doesn't stop for spring.  We're really on a roll and getting things done, so I'm trying to keep things going while being flexible and working around all of the schedules.  One of the hardest things to get across to them, however, is that field trips don't excuse students from the work, and we go until June 14th, so any help parents can give is much appreciated.

Here's what we accomplished last week: we continued with our lessons on verbs; we also read two more sections of the text Sugar Changed the World and are working on study guides and filling in a structural chart for argumentative writing.  My goal for this coming week is to finish the Module and do the final assessment.  On that note, here's the plan:
  • Monday, 5/8 - verbs; we'll do the study guide and the argumentative structure packet for the reading we finished last Friday.
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - we'll read the final packet for Sugar Changed the World and work on the study guide; for homework they'll need to read pp. 118-21 and annotate it.
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Academic Advisory - quiz for pp. 118-21; we'll go over Tuesday's reading and then finish reading and annotating the text; we'll finish the study guide and the argumentative structure packet.
  • Thursday, 5/11 - Academic Advisory - we'll do the pre-writing for the final assessment - outlining the argumentative essay.
  • Friday, 5/12 - we'll write the 5-paragraph argumentative essay which is the final assessment for Module 4.
So that's my plan.  I hope everyone enjoys spring as it (hopefully) warms up.  Ciao!
 Creative Commons License
Finishing Module Four by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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