Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Memorial Day - a day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that the rest of us can be free.  I'm so thankful for them, and for their families who suffered as a consequence; I'm also thankful for the members of my family who have served - in WWII and Vietnam, and stateside in more recent years; what a great nation of people we live amongst.

I have spent my extended weekend grading 9th grade writing - at least 7-hours per day.  The good news is: I'm done!  I have all of the research papers and argumentative essays graded.  If your student has a zero for either of those assignments, I'll still take them for 50% since they are an assessment.  I also still have a few smaller items to grade from those who turned in late work or came to advisory or Tuesdays with Teachers and made up some credit on a quiz, but all of that should be finished tomorrow.  The bad news is that my house and garden are a trainwreck, and I definitely don't look like I'm ready for summer.

Last week we got through the first half of Of Mice and Men.  They read, took notes, drew a picture to reflect the details in the imagery, and wrote a Found Poem.  This week we will work on the rest of the book.  Here's the schedule as it stands:
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - we'll hand back papers, finish discussions for chapter 3, and look at a Blackish clip in order to discuss the language being used in the book and author choice for that language.
  • Wednesday, 5/31 - Academic Advisory -  we'll read chapter 4.
  • Thursday, 6/1 - No Advisory - we'll discuss chapter 4 and add notes to our charts.
  • Friday, 6/2 - we'll read chapter 5 (the big moment in the book).
That's the plan.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Memorial Day Weekend.  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Memorial Day by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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