Sunday, April 22, 2018

Normal Schedule? What's That?

Every time I think we're going to go back to "normal" in our schedule, something is off.  In this case, it's two things:

1.)  On Wednesday during 3rd Hour we'll be taking a few minutes to go over different lock-down scenarios in case we had a situation that would warrant putting the ALICE system in place.  This system would only be used in a situation that warranted evacuation of the building, or barricading in the building.  We're not doing drills, and it shouldn't take long, but we will cover a couple of scenarios. This can be disturbing for some students (as it is for me), so I thought as parents some of you would want to know that we're doing this.

2.)  I forgot - on Friday I'm going with my son to Toronto for a school competition, so I'll be out for the day. 

So here's what we've got going this week:

English 9

  • Monday, 4/23 - revise and edit rough drafts - self edit; peer edit; read aloud
  • Tuesday, 4/24 - Academic Advisory - print and turn in final copies of research papers (1-day grace period for emergency situations); verbs; start Sugar Changed the World Packet 2
  • Wednesday, 4/25 - verbs; continue Sugar Packet 2
  • Thursday, 4/26 - Advisory - verbs; finish Sugar Packet 2
  • Friday, 4/27 - quiz for Packet 2; Ted Talk - modern day slavery
English 10
  • Monday, 4/23 - grammar; 5th Hour - 15 minutes to finish Act III paragraph; begin Act IV; texting activity
  • Tuesday, 4/24 - Academic Advisory - grammar; finish Act IV
  • Wednesday, 4/25 - grammar; vocab. activity; read Act V
  • Thursday, 4/26 - Advisory - grammar; finish the play; get review sheet for test - TEST TUESDAY
  • Friday, 4/27 - review activity for Macbeth test
That's my plan.  Hopefully everyone has a good week.

Creative Commons License
Normal Schedule? What's That? by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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