Saturday, April 7, 2018

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great spring break and was able to find time to relax, whether it was a traveling vacation or a staycation.  Coming back from Spring Break means one thing to me: we're in the final stretch of the year.  So here are a few important dates:

  • Tuesday, 4/10 - PSAT10 day.  It is VITAL that 10th graders show up, calculators in hand, to take their PSAT.  It is not necessary for 9th graders to come - no classes are scheduled to happen that day.
  • Wednesday, 4/11 - PSAT9 day.  It is VITAL that 9th graders show up, calculators in hand, to take their PSAT.  It is not necessary for 10th graders to come - no classes are scheduled to happen that day.
  • Monday, 4/16 - English 9 Rough Drafts of the Research Paper are due by midnight, turned in on Google Classroom.
  • Tuesday, 4/24 - English 9 Final Copies of the Research Paper are due, printed, and turned in to the basket in the classroom.
As for the rest of our schedule for this week, here's the plan:

English 9
  • Monday, 4/9 - last call for notes, works cited, thesis statements, and outlines; start typing rough drafts - due in 1 week.
  • Tuesday, 4/10 - no classes because of SAT/PSAT10
  • Wednesday, 4/11 - no classes because of PSAT9
  • Thursday, 4/12 - type the rough draft of the research paper
  • Friday, 4/13 - type the rough draft of the research paper
English 10
  • Monday, 4/9 - last call for Act I annotated packets, vocab., and analytical paragraphs; get Act II study guides, vocab. packets, quotation packets; start listening to Act II
  • Tuesday, 4/10 - no classes because of PSAT10
  • Wednesday, 4/11 - no classes because of PSAT9
  • Thursday, 4/12 - continue reading Act II; type 1
  • Friday, 4/13 - finish Act II - reading, study guide, vocab., quotes
That's the plan as I see it now. I hope everyone has a good finish to the vacation. Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Welcome Back! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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