Saturday, April 14, 2018

Testing - Ongoing

Thank goodness that mandatory testing is pretty much done for 9th and 10th graders.  The only ones who still need to do testing this week are those who need to do a make-up session because they were absent.  The 11th grade, however, is going to do their M-Step this week for social studies and science, so our schedules will be affected.  We have three advisories this week, so that shortens most of the rest of the hours:
  • Tuesday - regular academic advisory
  • Wednesday - really long advisory
  • Thursday - really long advisory
So we're still not quite on schedule, but we're coming close.

For the rest of the week, this is what the schedule looks like:

English 9
  • Monday, 4/16 - online review of verbs; 5-10 minutes to answer final questions about research paper drafts - ROUGH DRAFT IS DUE ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM BY MIDNIGHT!; online map activity on Google Classroom to introduce our next text - Sugar Changed the World.
  • Tuesday, 4/17 - academic advisory - verbs; get materials for Sugar - text, vocab. packet, study guide; go over annotation instructions; read the first half of Packet 1
  • Wednesday, 4/18 - really long advisory - verbs; finish packet 1 of Sugar
  • Thursday, 4/19 - really long advisory - verbs; game to review packet 1; quiz
  • Friday - 4/20 - start Packet 2 of Sugar
English 10
  • Monday, 4/16 - online grammar review; finish and turn in vocab. packet for Act II; Hot Seat game
  • Tuesday, 4/17 - academic advisory - grammar review; get Act III materials; begin reading
  • Wednesday, 4/18 - really long advisory - grammar review; read Act III
  • Thursday, 4/19 - really long advisory - grammar review; finish Act III
  • Friday, 4/20 - analytical paragraph for Act III
That's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great week.

Creative Commons License
Testing - Ongoing by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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