Sunday, September 23, 2018

Homecoming Week

I'm writing this from Upstate New York; Ithaca to be precise. It's been an exhausting but wonderful weekend of over 16 hours of travel in order to do a college visit for my oldest son. Somewhere in the middle of it I came to the realization that it's probably one of the last trips for my small family of four, which made it that much sweeter. Here is a picture of my favorite spot on campus - a library, of course!

As a result of all this business, though, I haven't gotten much done for school, so I'll have to get on the ball this week. I apologize for not being up to date with grades.

This week, with Homecoming in the mix, will be crazy. We don't have any "normal" days:
  • Monday - Activity Schedule - assembly at 1:30
  • Tuesday - Homecoming Advisory
  • Wednesday - Half Day - early release at 10:30
  • Thursday - Homecoming Advisory
  • Friday - Activity Schedule - Assembly at 1:30; Homecoming Game
  • Saturday - Homecoming Dance
In the midst of all this, our academics continue, so here is what I have planned:

English 9
  • Monday, 9/24 - Activity Schedule - prepositions; Type 1 Question on Google Classroom; start Act I of Romeo and Juliet
  • Tuesday, 9/25 - Advisory Schedule - prepositions; Act I of R&J
  • Wednesday, 9/26 - Half Day - Act I of R&J
  • Thursday, 9/27 - Advisory Schedule - prepositions; finish Act I of R&J
  • Friday, 9/28 - Activity Schedule - Silent Reading Day
English 10
  • Monday, 9/24 - Activity Schedule - discuss notes for Passion Project; discuss chapter 1; Typ 1 Questions on Google Classroom
  • Tuesday, 9/25 - Advisory Schedule - verbs; read Chapter 2
  • Wednesday, 9/26 - Half Day - Quiz over Chapters 1/2
  • Thursday, 9/27 - Advisory Day - verbs; read chapters 3/4 for Monday
  • Friday, 9/28 - Activity Schedule - Passion Project Friday
That's what I've got so far. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Creative Commons License
Homecoming Week by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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